And while certain details of how this game will play out are still up in the air, the alpha was a good slice of player-versus-player, mission and aesthetic introductions that I came away from feeling good about.
And while certain details of how this game will play out are still up in the air, the alpha was a good slice of player-versus-player, mission and aesthetic introductions that I came away from feeling good about.
Rainbow Six is back! And I couldn't be more excited. Rainbow Six was a series I used to play incessantly with my older brothers. And it's one whose next chapter I can see playing in the same way: basically, over and over for far longer than I have free time.
I still don't know how to feel about this game. If it is anywhere as amazing as Dynasty Warriors Gundam, then sign me up.
No, you are not. I still love the animated series.
Wait.... Did I just read Samurai Pizza Cat's?
Speed running FF6? This I have to see.
I don't know why, but this game just doesn't appeal to me. It has everything I want in a game, but it isn't grabbing me.
Yes! Let us rally around Nintendo USA and chant "Bring back Samus!"
Yup. I would throw money at the sales person if they made this, or even a limited edition Wii U. I would be all over that.
That will be my sole duty for this weekend. I will write them the most heartwarming letter and beg for it to be released.
Yes, which I am incredibly stupidly excited about. I do want it on the 3DS, however, but I am glad it is being made.
I would personally like an updated version of Body Harvest. That game was amazing on 64. In all honesty though, I think if they make a Fire Emblem on Wii U, I would be all over it.
Game sounds good. I am always up for a new perspective, or mechanic, to play around with.
I honestly thought about it once, back when I had a Wii. It was $7 at GameStop, but my friend who was working talked me out of it. I may still get it and hijack my nephews Wii, since he has a Wii U now.
True. I love Nintendo, and all of their series, but I kknow to not expect anything.
You know, to me, this reminds me of the Tactical Ops mod for UT. I find the beta to be an absolute blast. Now I find myself wanting it more and more everyday.
PlayStation Now is an awesome service, especially for playing games that you wouldn't purchase for full price. My only concern is that it will give Sony a reason to not add PS2 games for the Vita.
The actual gameplay looked awesome, a nice mix of 2D and 3D, but I just heard the story was absolute garbage.
That would be awesome, actually.