Ha, that is actually the only Metroid game I refused to play. Only heard awful things about it.
Ha, that is actually the only Metroid game I refused to play. Only heard awful things about it.
That seems to be the method for console gaming. I want to say the 360 & PS3 generation caused that, but I know there are a few from before.
I read that, but I won't keep my hopes up until I see footage. I am always skeptical about games being "worked on".
This also reminds me of Play, and how they decided to go away with the rating system all together. No numbers, no percentages, no grades, just one persons opinion. Although it was a great idea, it took away from a persons ability to glance down at a score and then make a decision on a fly, which I know a lot of people…
Well butter my biscuits... This game looks like one that I actually need in my collection. I love Fire Emblem and Advanced Wars, so this will be a great addition to my backlog of games.
All I want from Nintendo is a new damn Metroid game. I don't care if it's like Prime, or if they do a cool 2D version like New Super Mario Bros. Just give me my damn Samus back!
Agreed. They still rule the handheld market, and could easily downsize to only catering to that console. I don't think Nintendo will go away anytime soon. It is too much of a household name, and many kids (my nephew included) love Nintendo. He is 6 and just got into Zelda about 6 months ago. He will probably keep…
Yes, and that's what I like about Famitsu. Although, some of their reviews on Square-Enix games I can't trust.
I stand corrected...
I am all over the 8 bit Destiny shirt.
"This person just made enemies with GBA fans," wrote one 2ch commenter.
I am still waiting for Solid to make an appearance at the end of this, a la Big Boss at the end of MGS4.
I played it a few times when it first came out, but sadly wasn't into it. I will go back and play because I loved the atmosphere so much. It had it's scary moments, but a lot of them were cheap scares. The last part I was on was very nerve racking, and enjoyable.
He looks like someone put on a mascot costume of him and tried running.
Whelp, looks like I will be playing through this again. I played the original while taking a train ride to and from Ft. Worth, and loved every second of it. I never platinumed it, but I plan on getting this one when it launches.
That is actually pretty amazing. If I could, I would totally do that for children.
Please, bludgeon us with more No Man's Sky. It is one of the most exciting games to be annouced IMO.
Z95 Head Hunter? Hells Yeah!