
So far, the only MH "clone" that I am looking forward to is Freedom Wars. That looks like it has A LOT of potential. I know I will more than likely break down and purchase this game in the near future.

Then came the developer interview in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu. Asked what distinguishes Final Fantasy Explorers from the numerous other multi-player action games, director Atsushi Hashimoto stated, "Firstly, it's not simply an RPG, but it's an action RPG where players can roleplay with the jobs from the

Well, looks like I need to buy it now...

I haven't tried Threes, but I did play a lot of 2048. Is it that much better?

Poor Miguel....

Replace "Worst" with "Best", and then we have a deal.

I love this band, especially this album. I think [R]estricted is probably my favorite though, and the only album I didn't enjoy as much was their first album. Era Vulgaris is great background music for Vanquish, lol.

I will always have a soft spot for Zelda and Metroid, and once those games are released on Wii U, I will get one. I was never a big fan of Wind Waker, which why I don't already have one, but the video from E3 made me excited. I know I will break down eventually and get one, and I will have to figure out a spot to put

EA - Doing what good companies do... Eventually

I loved this car so much in the 90's. That and this beast.

My friend in high school was obsessed with this car. I totally forgot about it until I saw that gif above.

Everytime I hear Sailor Moon, I automatically think of Toonami. Then I become sad, because I don't care about the anime they put on there anymore.

Well if this isn't the most cross-overs in one Mario, then I don't know what is.

good to know. Thanks!

While I have never played it, I am glad Sony is starting to bring back some classics for a new generation of gamers. After this and Grim Fandango, I wonder what else they may release...

Great article, and after playing through the Devil's Lair roughly 9 times this weekend, I found it to become better and better. Insanely hectic, and absolutely beautiful, the music set the mood perfectly. Now that our "extension" is over with, I do find it hard to wait another month before I can play it again, and