
Decreasing the nation’s carbon footprint by 50 percent would equal China or (not and) India achieving and maintaining a 0.5 percent reduction. There is zero infrastructure for EV usage outside MAJOR urban areas. Their adoption does not warrant the expense or environmental ramifications involved in procurement of

After working in a shop during the late eighties and early nineties, most manufacturers were building duds. The most memorable messes I had the misfortune of repeatedly repairing included GM’s 2.0L L4 (CAVALIER, ETC), 2.8L V6 (S10, BLAZER, some FWD’s), Cadillac’s HT4100 V8, Oldsmobile’s “powerhouse” diesel V8,

What was so great about these cars was the ability to lurk the streets in an unassuming econobox with evil intent. This little front drive four banging huffer would eat the souls of IROC Zs and unwary or unseasoned GT 5.0s with its excellent power to weight ratio and uncanny ability to control torque steer for the

There are actually some exceptional performance suspension parts available for these cars. A few inconspicuous engine mods coupled with suspension upgrades and quality performance tires would make potent sleeper out of this M body. It would be more than capable of holding its own on the street against many performance

The cylinder wash and accelerated wear WAS a major factor during the days of carburation. Modern port fuel injection systems have reduced this to a bare minimum even under cold, fuel-rich conditions. Take an old carburated engine with 100k miles, tear it down to the bare block, and you’ll find ring grooves in the

Most vehicles deserve a proper powerplant from their respective maker, although not necessarily the engines they came equipped with. Upgrade, by all means, but tastefully. SBC’s and LS’s are great for Chevys, but for anything else, they are lazy, cheap, and unimaginative. Seriously, you wouldn’t put a much better 340

The major difference between either side is that the left partisans cry, whine, protest, commit acts of violence under the guise of peace and social reform, and threaten anyone who thinks or believes in a different ideology. The vast majority (by no means all, the right has its fair share of zealots) of the right

Pickups are the three top selling vehicles in the country. Have been for years. If that doesn’t make them the average passenger vehicle, I dont know what would constitute the average. Pickups are the rule, not the exception where I live. It makes absolutely no sense to have two vehicles when one (a truck) can do

What many of Trump’s detractors can’t seem to understand is that a major factor contributing to his nomination is a strong feeling of disenchantment with the current ineffective political machine. The Democrats and Republicans both have prayed upon the emotions of the public to keep us at odds with each other,