Inanimate Fuckin' Object

He showed his hand a little too early

and slutty black women who totally deserve HIV.

Crossovers?, I believe the correct term is reacharounds.

The Vampire of the Opera

*She gingerly walks towards Solo* *Blushes furiously and suppresses a smile when her hand touches Han's while reaching for the glass* *Han does a Jim Halpert- style smirk at the camera*

Disney Princesses - These aren't the role models you're looking for.

Dammit Tinnitus!, You're a cruel mistress. Mawp! Mawp!

That pitch's SUX level was over 6000!

I hate the fucking Eagles, man!

Everyone called out Bratt as the mole, right? I love it that sometimes 24 is so predictable yet its so fun to watch.

I fist pumped so hard when Heller said "Well put her in the field, Jack wants her, Jack needs her, Jack gets her."

You know they're going to rectify that by killing all but one black person within the first hour.

He just had to recharge his snark batteries.


You know Jedis….bunch of bitchy little girls.

She's the One!

Well, the reverse is true for me. I'm just waiting for that storyline to explode and Helena to go batshit crazy on those cult members and you know she's gonna.

After last week, Helena just about edges it for me.

Well, atleast that piece of shit was useful for something. He has been the most useless character in the show till now. Now if only he meets his own demise in a similarly brutal fashion preferably at the hands of Alison, it'd be amazing.

I feel like this is an elaborate experiment to prove the "Duncan Principle".