
glad mine was made in 2017... use 6s iPhone that comes with headphone jack...and a real home button..

I prefer to not drive at all to any store and shop online.

Ignore this article as it gives bad advise. The only fluid you need to change is oil.. All others, no. Brake fluid is changed when you get your brakes done. So much bad info given here. 

Not nice to leave out VR...only the best in gaming right now.

No, first thing I do when I restore iPhone is to disable Siri.

Every year I’ve been going to court with my EX.. Nastiest human being I have ever met. Already got the kids involved to testify against me (and lost). So sad what she has done to the children. No words can describe her disgusting acts. So, sometimes no matter how hard you try to be nice and do the right things, court

I slouch, bend my neck, etc. Never an injury or issues. I also excercise, eat healthy..and in shape.

Apple Notes..stock... simple and works.

I prefer to play black jack. Better odds than the stock market.

Never unless my Jailbreak fails and forces me to

thats $4 more you are getting ripped off. XM died when they sold out to LL Cool J, Electronic Chanel removed, and lots others.

iPhone Jailbroken..none..orelse I have to re-jailbreak.

Appears these not to smart folks just assume everything is fine without verification. I am surprised they can actually make it to the airport in time.

way too much work. Have to open and close all the windows...forget it.. Ill just hit one button instead.

this still has disaster written all over it. Folding + phones don’t mix well. I normally never need to fold my phone,ever. So this is just an expensive gimmick to me that improves nothing.

Most neighbors are annoying pr*icks..Dont bother trying to be friends with jerks. Call the police and let them haul them away hopefully.

this anti-american, so pro-black..but dont want blacks living in their neighborhood..

this domain is owned by Leftist Libs..enough said..

Mechanics must love your you already failed...why are you taking your car to a mechanic for inspection? Its free and you can go to a state run agency instead. Battery change? Do yourself.. Alignment? Not needed unless you crashed the car recently. Serpintine belt? Dont remember ever replacing that.

so let me get this straight..instead of driving to a drop off wait..any time of day..people find it easier to go to Kohls, find a parking spot, wait for store to open, wait in line, then return it? umm ok..Ill pass..