Stopped reading at:stop using your debit card to buy gas at the pump, period.
Stopped reading at:stop using your debit card to buy gas at the pump, period.
dont eat dinner. only breakfast and lunch. three meals are not needed. as long as you stop eating after around 2pm...and fast until next morning..getting ready to lose that fat.
yep.. cups with lids only in car. I am not using something that was in my shower to eat out of..even after washed. disgusting. Cars do come with cup holders. Just eat the sandwiches over the bag. Vacuum when done.
So glad my house has walls...and carpeting... Would not give them up for open plan or hardwood floors.
Cancelled my 15+ year sub after they ruined stations: Electric Area and Backspin. Replaced both of them with LL Cool J and Horrible DJ..SiriusXM no longer plays unique music. Just same stuff repeated. Switched to and much happier..
so who is smarted when you have identical twins?
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 build went flawless. First time hitting power button all turned on and worked. AMD has done a 180 and now surpassed intel in quality and price. No more awkward cpu+heat sink connectors. Past builds ran into mobo shorting out, not connecting power LED.
550w Corsair works just fine on my Ryzen 2600..Radeon 570 with Oculus Rift VR..Dont need that much power.
No, they will catch on fire..or crash due to bugs in OS
iPhone will solve it.
Did the fix the slow turtle speed? Guess Dark mode is more important than performance.. Goodbye Chrome. Hello Firefox.
Cant run Oculus Rift VR fully
Dumbest article ever...Yeah, go get more in debt by using money you don’t have. Debit cards are more secure that credit cards because they have a pin#. Credit cards don’t. Dont be a fool and listen to this fool.
I dunno. Maybe not go outside for any long periods of time? Common sense. Don’t need a guide.
Wow! Did not know IRS could do it for you..for free. Wonderful. Lobbyists should be illegal. Cmon trump.. Ban Lobbyists now...right after you build that wall!
this is the first thing I do..and power up my desktop. Breakfast can wait. Yes, the world still turns even when you sleep.
Yes, you do need breakfast. This article should be renamed “Do you really need Dinner?” The answer is no. Breakfast and Lunch are only needed. Not dinner.
or just stop using Chrome which has become a matter what you do, Chrome will be always slow. Use Firefox..the fastest browser out now.
Quality went to the shi..tter after Jobs died. iPads that bend..iPhones that bend.. I think this might be the last Apple product I buy.
Im so good I steer with my knee at times.