Good idea! Agree 100%. Telsa is poorly managed and owned. They need to let another computer with proven leadership sell their product instead
Good idea! Agree 100%. Telsa is poorly managed and owned. They need to let another computer with proven leadership sell their product instead
The real fix is to pay it in full. I know, Americans don’t understand that. I have never bought a new car and always paid in full for used because I can afford it. Monthly Car payment? Whats that? High insurance rates that require Comp and Collision? Whats that? Yes, I research and only buy reliable makes+models under…
Gestures don’t always work the first time. The home button does...big difference. While using my 6S...Activator swipe up for home button and use home button for backup.
Insurance. dont seem like that was mentioned to much. thats why I buy used.. I spend 8K (cash), 50-60K miles, reliable make/model (2011 Hyundai Elantra currently)..Cheap insurance (Geico).. No comp No collision needed.
You never owned as Subaru XT.. made one of worst cars ever made list..Every make does produce disaster models. Subaru no exception
I wish my problems were making sure to unplug my phone at night when I have to pee. ridiculous. Leave it plugged in always. In fact, Ive been using Apple’s smart case on three iPhones and now eliminated any battery dying issues for the day. Also cut in half the amount of recycles so now my iPhone battery will last…
or just buy Apples Battery case and never worry about this.
I’ve never need a tow in about 20 years. I’ve had flats (plenty of them) and replaced them within minutes myself. Never ran out of gas. Always changed my batteries myself every five years. I did have a bolt fall off muffler and used a coat hanger to hold it up until I got home to buy a bolt and fix myself. I dunno,…
ummm no. You can dispute any charge from a debit card and get your money back. Not as quick, but you will. I hate when users say to use a credit card. THis is why most folks are in debt. Debit cards are safer than credit cards (they use a pin#) and you can link your debit card to a secondary account so it will not get…
Most women dont deserve anything. They will cheat, steal and lie to get ahead. There is a reason women dont like other women because they all know not to trust each other. Move on and try to find a woman who at least can be somewhat trustworthy (very hard to find)
No, only the people that dont and like to waste time and $$$
Why fix what is not broken? I only re-image or replace drives when forced to. I get zero satisfaction in doing this process and rather be spending my time with other things.
My method was different. I shucked drive first, then installed. Best to install fresh image instead of clone.
So happy to see this happen!!! Kinda like Karma...and I also despise everything FB is about..
No excuse. Phones have been around for a long time
How bout not spending more than you have and pay all if not most in cash? I know..I know..thats hard for most.. Never had a car payment..
No thanks. Ill spend the extra $$ to not sleep in a jail size room. Some things are worth the extra$$$. I am not an extreme cheapskate.
iTunes is a horrible piece of software. I never use it...I will use iFunBox and any other 3rd party instead of iTunes.
Can iOS be installed? If not, all Android phones will be secondary to Apple.
Disgusting Liberal article. Stopped reading after bashing guns. Keep your political garbage to yourself. Nobody will read your articles.