
Glad I don’t have a dog so I can use my time on other things. Also, I food shop twice a month (never forget anything as its all in my phone) and dont make meals that take hours or preparation (crock pot could be your friend)

Best deal is to not buy a new car unless your current car breaks down completely. Run it to the ground and maintain it yourself. No monthly payments, cheap insurance!!

Jeeps are consistently rated the worst reliable vehicle made each year. Should not be on any list (new or used). I personally buy reliable used cars with 60K or less on them and keep them until the stop. Currently driving a 2002 Prizm Lsi 170k miles.

Never. unless you are rich and enjoy wasting money. Enough of tipping everyone for doing their job. Delivery and table service fine, not for takeout.

So glad I don’t own a dog or any other animal. Between picking up their fecal matter and having them lick it and then lick you with it..oh ill stop there.

I drove many stick cars and will never go back. Nothing fun about them. Too much work. Also, Hyundai Elentras are one of the best cars all around for your price and reliability. 5K beater? That costs more than my daily. Wish I had that money to blow.

ill stick with my 5C Jailbreak.

my HP Touchpad converted to Android works just fine for Kindle!

Dont invite them!

I would never bother trying to ‘repair’ a flooded car (especially a make/model with a bad reliability like “Jeep”) Like throwing money out the window (and wasting time). Write it off, buy a reliable make/model to begin with, and dont live in a flood zone.

Only the rich (and wasteful) get new phones every two years. My iPhone 5C works fine and yes my apps still work (just not latest versions). Those that think they need to get new iPhones- Apple loves taking your money. Dont bother leasing or buying 8, the smart ones wait.

Nonsense. Debit cards are more secure than credit. They have a pin#. And please, rewards are only a way to overspend on credit and not pay in full each month. Stick with debit cards. Those that use cash are living in the stone ages. Credit card users really have mounds of debt they won’t admit to.

David, (author)- I hope only the worst for you. Spewing your Presidential hate on this great country. He was elected by the people..which make up the majority. I have no feelings for losers like yourself publishing fake news.

Exactly! Not a fan of this non driver cars at all. Hope it never becomes legal.

More fake news by a non-trump supporter! Keep your opinions to yourself or get a new job! I dont know who to hate more. Uber drivers upset about Trumps decision (go back home to your terrrorst country then losers) or the author spewing his anti-trump hate. Keep America safe! I feel for those US lives taking by your

Hahah. Hilarious! Is this the same dpt Hillary paid off to not go to jail for email issue? Yeah, sure contact DOJ and FBI..Maybe Hillary can pay them more to listen to your bogus complaints. Suck it up buttercups and grow up! Trump won. Now go take a baby nap.

2002 Prizm: Why I still love it! Great visibility after removing the rear head rests. New rental cars I drive have such poor visibility. I notice that first thing. Never will I buy a car like that.