
This happened to me with New Girl too, it paid off to hear an audio description of "a cat lick's Schmidt's nipple"

No, but it's a common interpretation a lot of fans of the show (some of whom have BPD themselves) have.

Sorry I was making a reference to how (especially in the first season) Heather would mention she's a college student a lot, not any comment on the Harry Potter canon

I would put Heather in Ravenclaw. She's a student!

I don't know if they'll go this route (since the show likes love triangles and Paula does have a line in the song about him being "white, male and straight") but Nathaniel being gay would set him apart from other characters of his archetype, and would be a welcome twist.

If I recall correctly, there's a Breaking Bad scene like number 3.

I know the topic isn't this simple, but personally I think there's something a little off in slandering a person of color's passion project only because of a white fanbase's reaction to it. I understand some people have issues with race in the musical itself and I'm not discounting that, but I see a lot of people who

There's a scene with him high fiving Josh in the preview for the next episode (which is called "Why Won't Josh and His Friend Leave Me Alone) so this might not be the end of Greg?

That shot of them on the mattress was beautiful and effective too. I caught my breath a little the first time I saw it and realized how far this show has come, art-wise.

I loved PC counting that weird possum guy's teeth

Well, he did voice him and it's implied the character was inspired in part by him.

Did anyone else hear what sounds like Rose singing with Steven in the first "you really do" of the last song?

Thanks so much for sticking with this crazy, weird and wonderful show Allison! Waking up early to watch the ep and read your review and the comments on here became my morning routine. Looking forward to
more next year!

Lots of stuff to love here. Heather's wise reprise. Darryl proudly proclaiming he's bisexual. The Jewish American Princess rap battle. "I wore my bathing suit!"

Don't forget Master of None!

3 years later and your comment came true with "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"!

This show seems to top itself every week! This episode was great, and the little ridiculous details like the ghost of Steve Jobs getting a solo or the return of "I left my wife for a prostitute" sealed the deal. The songs haven't been very memorable for me lately but everything this week was golden, from the hair

This was my favorite episode of the season, possibly in a long time. I might be biased because most of my favorite eps focus on the Mac + Dennis dynamic, but this one featured a new, claustrophobic envionment, good sinister atmosphere, and that level of insanity that Sunny always pushes itself to at its best.

I was surprised at the lack of Brand New on this list.

It's closer to Ender's Game, I think.