
Do you play with bombs too? How about modified cars and planes? What if you found out your neighbor had a hobby that included detonating bombs in his backyard? Or trying to see test out his aim from his turret on his fighter plane? Your life would likely come into harm's way because of his "fun" hobbies. Think about

As much as I dislike Barry Bonds, Baseball's Hall of Fame is meaningless because it does not include him or Pete Rose. The writers have made the inductee's life more important than what he contributed to the game. Bonds is the all time home run leader, Rose is the all time hits leader. Clemens has beastly stats as

Do you realize how close minded of a state Utah seems to outsiders?

Guns have purposes in the same way that cars have purposes. But while both can be abused to harm others, certain guns have no useful purposes for 99% of Americans. Exceptions would home defense guns used more for intimidation and rifle used for hunting.

AR15 huh? What on earth did you purchase the gun for? Think about it, please. If you're not in the military or some sort of SWAT team then I think you have some sort of power or gun fetish.

A hunting rifle is an effective mass murder weapon? A shotgun is no good for home defense? Wow man, you're really reaching for the edge on these claims. The purpose of the shotgun is one shot, more for intimidation than actually gunning down all the burglars. Handguns are easily to conceal and can quickly kill several

Normal people don't shoot up schools. Giving non-servicemen ability to own guns opens up opportunities for this kind of violence.

That's a recent Supreme Court decision and not at all the spirit of the original 2nd amendment. I disagree with it entirely and sure enough it was a split decision. My guess is that if the same case came up today it would be overturned and it wouldn't be nearly as close. You forget that Bush was President then and

So you walk around all day with a firearm? And you want your kids to do the same? Oh wait that could be dangerous if they are not trained properly and part of a well regulated militia that would train them how and when it's okay to use said firearm? Yeah I thought so. More idiots with guns means more idiots with more

Again, you're not reading the bill of rights. You are not part of any "well regulated militia." You are also likely part of the idiot population still in favor of all the airport security that simply costs everyone money and doesn't do any good. Power corrupts and giving more power to whacko nut jobs helps them harm

On paper maybe, but once you add in DVR and HD upgrades you're much closer to $100 and usually at least close to $75/month. Ads are bullshit, duh.

So the kid can't take it to school and can't use it in public....what the fuck is the point of having a phone then?

Agreed! People subscribe to Showtime just to watch Dexter! Fuck all the other content, I just want a few specific shows, ability to skip commercials and boom, I'm done!

What if you could do it exactly like how you watch shows on iTunes? You buy an iTunes card for $100 and when you want to watch a show that $3 your balance simply goes to $97. Then on and on until you have to "refill" your meter. This way if you want to watch a show, say on HBO and then realize after the first episode

I was a fan of Leroy Hoard back in the day as well, so on some level I used to agree with you. The issue is comes from the split back system, which realizes that RBs are very replaceable in general, (Peterson not included) and simply having two RBs is better than having a short yardage guy, a first down guy and a

Thank you for promoting the facts, not the garbage. More guns is not better than less guns, although I used to think more gun meant more good people to protect others from bad people. It indeed means more crazy, angry, ignorant people will be better equipped and ready to harm others in an extremely efficient manner.

Good work, too bad the people who read this would already agree with you. This is like a high school teacher holding a study session: the people who need the most help/advice are not going to listen/look for it.

Why would any athlete want to go to BYU? Or Utah in general when there are so many other state more open-minded.

I agree, but would improve this wonderful statement by removing black. I could improve it again by replacing church with religion. You see where I'm going?

Only 12 year olds use their mommy's money to buy the same product twice. Homey is complaining about Netflix on Xbox, so I'm piling on, saying how Xbox sucks in general. Makes perfect sense in context with this topic.