
So for the games that have PC versions, are those included with game pass?

So for the games that have PC versions, are those included with game pass?

“The entire process of doing genetic work is just mixing small amounts of liquids and waiting”

Too true. I was playing Overwatch the other day, had been on a losing streak and decided to switch it up and play Sombra. I had played her for about 8 hours (competitive), and immediately some guy started getting after me for “insta-locking” her. He was the only one in the game complaining but I didn’t feel like

I generally place in diamond at the beginning of a season but then I’ll inevitably drop because I want to play with my lower 2000 ranked friends. I never had a problem with this system until this season, when i went 9-1 in my placement games with Ana(best I’ve ever done), and I ended up 2750 (I finished last season

Not sure when this went into effect, but I stopped playing about a month to ago at 3300 SR, because life. I got on yesterday at now I’m at 3000. I wish I had known.

Why do all frostbite games look so amazing, but then the characters look like they’re wearing a plastic toupée?

I’ll be honest, even though that is a huge number, I thought it would be even higher.

Dang, I was gonna wait for the 1080ti, but my 780 is telling me to upgrade now:/

This is honestly tempting me more than any of the “made for VR” games

Adam needs rum

Did you misunderstand her point that much? I thought it was obvious that she was referencing how such a technical and scientific achievement, that many thought was impossible, was due to governmental and private cooperation.

I’ve always wanted to get into Bluetooth headphones but don’t they have sound quality limitations? I thought the issue was with the bandwidth limitations of Bluetooth, and it would make the sound quality much lower than using RF or wired headphones.

So instead of being able to see into the orgins of the universe, viewing the very first stars and maybe the dark ages of the universe itself, we will have an empty spot on a mountain already covered in telescopes so people can celebrate in their victory of the big bad astronomer? Makes sense. (Insert ‘murica meme here)

Thanks for the heads up! Just purchased one and can’t wait for it to get here. I won’t be playing everything at native 4k with max settings and my lonely gtx 780, but hopefully I will be able to on old guys like Bioshock Infinite. Also, for those worried about the frame rate hit, apparently this monitor scales very

Thanks for the heads up! Just purchased one and can’t wait for it to get here. I won’t be playing everything at

I do not think there needs to be another Steve Jobs movie. That being said, Seth Rogen’s fart jokes are going to ruin whatever credibility Fassbender and Sorkin bring to the table.

Looks impressive, but if you watch the whole video you'll notice the destruction of the ship follows preset animations, ala Battlefield's levoloution.

I still love it compared to the alternatives. However, compared to how it used to be, it is becoming a resource hog and bloated. Just look at the amount of RAM is uses.

They don't?! I volunteer as tribute :)

As a guy I loved this article, very entertaining. Also, I did not known "makeup artist" was an actual job, I figured women were all born with the innate ability to makeup-fi themselves #mindblown.

Further evidence that NASA deserves more funding.