
Didn't he call her Aunt Betty?

But True Detective will never get into grad school with a C on its transcript…

Couldn't Sammi help with guardianship issues? She's a 1/2 sister at least…

I went to university before the days of texting… I agree it would vary from place to place and teacher by teacher. Do they collect cell phones now?

Yeah, that's what I think too - it's slowly dawning on him that this isn't his high school and he's got to learn to work as well as be smart.

I agree - he did not look happy about pulling an all-nighter and only getting 77% when that other guy studied all night and got 100% in Econ.

I think it's expectations. At his previous school he was a cut above everyone else, but this school, everyone was a cut above, and some were properly indoctrinated to give the professors what they want. The teachers at Lip's school were probably happy to get work that was coherent. Also, he doesn't seem to be

is 77% even all that bad for a first year paper if you came from a school that didn't prepare you well for university? It's better than the D on his Lit paper and 60% for Econ…