
Bernie is the only one who can beat Trump.

It’s a primary - Obama only got 36% of New Hampshire in 2008, and that was with only three major candidates on the ticket.

And just as a side note, Democrats should not go around treating the Washington Examiner as a good faith resource.

Uh. Given that Warren is polling less than Bernie, it’s Warren that’s dividing the progressive vote and helping Biden. In this equation, the only people actively hurting Biden are people campaigning in his lane, but Buttigieg and Klobachar don’t have the momentum.

Is this intentional irony or...

... and snarky biased chyron strings under pics of Sanders

Liz: He can’t be Baby Yoda! The whole timeline occurs after RotJ. I can’t believe I have to say this...

How so? He’s responding to the objectively true statement in the script that “we need to turn out more disaffected working-class voters” by bringing up blue-collar whites, which is something no one mentioned or argued except him. The working class isn’t just blue collar white men (in fact it’s majority non-), and we

It’s like Mac from It’s Always Sunny said: “Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a

I love how obnoxious screeds like this are always 50% fantasizing your own oppression because it’s the only way even you can imagine your flaccid, poorly constructed diatribe having any weight.

In a rational world that valued outcome as much as intent, this would be greeted as the equivalent of shouting “Heil Hitler”. I don’t care how “well intentioned” you think communism is “on paper”

Lol shut the fuck up dumbass boomer 

Our cautionary tale is Hillary Clinton; John Kerry; Al Gore; and Michael Dukakis.  Bland middling milquetoast democrats who lost.

As I said, I’m talking about the Clintons’ behavior during the campaign in 2008—not when Hillary served as part of his administration. Do you remember Bill comparing Obama’s victory in South Carolina to Jesse Jackson’s victory there in 1984 and 1988? How about Clinton campaign surrogate Geraldine Ferraro saying that

To be fair, how she—and Bill—handled things in 2008 vis-à-vis running against Obama probably didn’t help her likability in 2016.

they also forget her scheming with the dnc to fuck over bernie. fuck her. lets go Warren, bernie or yang.

Today’s Politico thinkpiece “Waiting on Obama” focuses on the idea that former President Obama might also be mucking about having a good long think in a cave before emerging to save the 2020 election.

But isn’t it nice to see that people are ON BOARD with your candidate? I’m not a fan of her by any stretch....but to see a young person at her position find common ground in his policies...and him as a person is satisfying to me as an ardent supporter.

Hello, we are currently down people and yet five of us will be on tonight liveblogging and writing about the debates as ever. One post does not signal a change in editorial strategy! I realize and sympathize that there is a temptation to believe that we are flipping the switch given all the recent fuckery yonder, but

Her funny fell victim to Imwitheritis. Happened to Broad City too.