
Well, I’m very happy for her and glad to hear that, in definitely a very non-perverted way 

this really is the darkest  timeline

I’d argue he was never even close to progressive to begin with. At best he’s a well off neoliberal who wants to smoke pot but is otherwise content with the status quo and the wealth he’s accumulated from it.

A lot of us have accepted that fact and moved on.

You never had to talk about him in the first place. You’re a pop culture website, nobody was coming here to hear about all the shit Trump did, especially since they could read about that on actual news websites. You could have been a refuge from the crap, instead you fed right into it.

Impressions is generous.

I don’t really get her whole...thing. She lip-syncs Trump soundbites and looks scared or something? Someone please explain why this is funny.

Never heard of it.

not surprised the morons at netflix would be disappointed by one of the most ambitious, beautiful, and amazing shows of the last 20 years.

I just wanted more Hup.


jesus fucking christ

I must say I appreciate this article. This is good journalism and puts a lot of the trailer into context.

well he’s molested fewer people than the current candidates, as far as i know

HUZZAH! *smashes remote control*

Interestingly, AV Club gave this episode of Bob and David an “A”.

Oh you sweet summer (American) children , with your compilations and Action 52s , you know nothing of the true horror of cheapo bundles of Ireland and the UK we had CASSETTE 50!

Who is even thinking about Bernie or Warren as a nominee at this point? I’m well aware that he’s going to be the nominee, and it’s strange that literally any observation of Biden being less-than-perfect turns into someone in the comments accusing me or Jezebel at large of being deluded about the reality we find

I mean what else can we expect from a dude who was literally pushing CIA propaganda via Jack Ryan?

Now it feels as though we’ve gone from a once in a lifetime moment of spiritual healing as a nation, to once again resentfully voting for a bad candidate you don’t believe in because the other option is the embodiment of evil.