
“Excuses excuses excuses...”

Maybe that’s true for some guys, but I think people take for granted that everyone has the same EQ or is otherwise at the same baseline. The truth is that a significant percentage of us are somewhere on the autism spectrum and therefore innately have a harder time reading verbal and nonverbal cues. I would argue that

You’re grasping at straws. They weren’t intended to be comedic—I know the difference. That would be like showing someone slipping on a banana when they’re trying to tell you they have cancer. Or is that what Japanese people do, and I just never realized?

There’s definitely fan service that’s meant to be laughed at, but there’s also definitely “male gaze” fan service. I’ve seen it in supposedly more mature titles like Your Name and A Silent Voice, and it always strikes me as awkward and gratuitous.

Danny Elfman is mentioned as having scored Sam Raimi’s Spiderman, but I couldn’t sing the theme song back to you even with the song playing in the background. I think he’s just as guilty of everyone else of writing unmemorable themes, at least when it comes to movies released in the past 20 years.

Keep in mind that the meatbag inside the spaceship also matters when considering space physics, although pretty much no space movie/show seems to account for this except The Expanse (as far as I’ve seen). I guess the reason for that is that the inside of most ships are magically maintained at 1g unless the plot


I was gonna say something similar (about the nose), but thought I should mention that Japanese men’s beards can get quite burly.

On a somewhat related note, if I were Pfizer, I’d be running shit tons of Viagra ads right now.

Is it a generally-accepted thing to assume that any such accusation from anyone at all is 100% true? I believe in taking them 100% seriously, but not necessarily 100% true. Innocent until proven guilty and all that: the American way. And if it was true, I would expect it to be a pattern of behavior leading to more

I just hope it doesn’t stir up tensions in Korea, considering that subjugated Koreans fought alongside the Mongols.



“We don’t even touch plastic at this point,” except when it feels like ceramic.

“We don’t even touch plastic at this point,” except when it feels like ceramic.

I feel sorry for you. People who claim that they have “common sense” when others don’t typically say so because they can’t lay claim to having actual intelligence.

There’s more to fighting and conflict resolution than guns. Thankfully, most of the grown-ups in charge understand this.

I can also bet my life that as soon as Democrats support guns Republicans will go against them and say Democrats supports criminals, not Americans.

Can someone explain why the term “super typhoon” exists? Is the category 1-5 system not universal? Why don’t we call category 4-5 hurricanes “super hurricanes”?

Jesus, Cash. What are you, made of money?

This thing becomes utterly disturbing when you realize that the tail is the front-side, not the back-side.

I take it you’ve never met a man before...? Generally speaking, men get quite enthusiastic about the concept of physical domination, and guns are an easy shortcut for that. It’s easy to see how a “normal” guy could be seduced by the cult of the gun.