I just hope it doesn’t stir up tensions in Korea, considering that subjugated Koreans fought alongside the Mongols.
I just hope it doesn’t stir up tensions in Korea, considering that subjugated Koreans fought alongside the Mongols.
This thing becomes utterly disturbing when you realize that the tail is the front-side, not the back-side.
I take it you’ve never met a man before...? Generally speaking, men get quite enthusiastic about the concept of physical domination, and guns are an easy shortcut for that. It’s easy to see how a “normal” guy could be seduced by the cult of the gun.
I don’t understand why they even bothered with the “live-action remake” approach.
Your reason for cynicism is pretty pedestrian compared to others’ reasons for being cynical, yet you think your opinion matters more. Sounds familiar somehow...
The protests stop when it starts to seem like they’re producing results, like some kind of national action to train police officers on de-escalation, or to hire better police officers by funding police departments better.
The point is that because the military sends teenagers to their deaths in far away lands like Vietnam and Afghanistan to defend America (?), you should just shut your liberal mouth and salute the flag like a good American who respects the sacrifices of said teenagers to uphold the the American way of respecting the…
I feel bad for you. I would probably be reprimanded for being openly political in the workplace, but I certainly wouldn’t be fired for having political views that someone else might oppose. Especially since I’m doing a good job helping to make the company money—as any of the drivers and crews are.
I’m not a Nascar fan by any stretch, I just love my country.
pwrshft is obviously a white male and doesn’t care about others’ problems, and so I imagine he thinks the country is already doing just fine, and if anything it was doing better before that darned Obama ruined the country.
Absolutely—the hilarious and sad thing about conservatives is that although they bray and moan about people being less American than them, they’re the ones that understand American history the least. If it were 1776, people like Richard Petty would be Loyalists bemoaning the inconvenience and violence that the…
Is Brock a real name?? Honestly, I can’t fathom parents naming their little newborn baby “BROCK.”
You’re taking it too literally. It’s a figure of speech—an expression of shock and disgust. I don’t actually find it difficult to believe because I’m deeply cynical and deal with prejudice frequently enough—hence my solidarity.
Thanks for pointing that out...?
I can’t believe people would fat shame you at the gym when you were starting out. People are so fucking stupid.
The difference between the Bible and academic textbooks is that the latter is actually written in a way to try and convince/teach the subject matter to the reader. The former is just a collection of letters, stories and rules.
Plenty of people (including myself) drive until the fuel level indicator hits “E”, which usually means there are 2 gallons remaining in the tank. We do this out of laziness—the longer we wait, the fewer times we’re pumping gas.
“Let some comments pass?” And which are the comments that you shouldn’t let pass? I’m curious to know where you draw the line and refuse to be denigrated or mocked.