You’re taking it too literally. It’s a figure of speech—an expression of shock and disgust. I don’t actually find it difficult to believe because I’m deeply cynical and deal with prejudice frequently enough—hence my solidarity.
You’re taking it too literally. It’s a figure of speech—an expression of shock and disgust. I don’t actually find it difficult to believe because I’m deeply cynical and deal with prejudice frequently enough—hence my solidarity.
Thanks for pointing that out...?
I can’t believe people would fat shame you at the gym when you were starting out. People are so fucking stupid.
The difference between the Bible and academic textbooks is that the latter is actually written in a way to try and convince/teach the subject matter to the reader. The former is just a collection of letters, stories and rules.
Ugh, “Auto Motion Plus.” This is a great signal for knowing if a person is a moron.
Plenty of people (including myself) drive until the fuel level indicator hits “E”, which usually means there are 2 gallons remaining in the tank. We do this out of laziness—the longer we wait, the fewer times we’re pumping gas.
“Let some comments pass?” And which are the comments that you shouldn’t let pass? I’m curious to know where you draw the line and refuse to be denigrated or mocked.
PirateRadio’s your typical crass white guy who especially doesn’t give a shit about Asian people. There is zero point for anyone to respond to him expecting any kind of mature, reasonable response.
Yeah, I don’t understand. Why does the NYPD need $600 phones again? That’s the best decision they can make with taxpayer money?
Haha I like how you hedged it with “I probably have more of an education...”
Based on what you wrote, can I assume you’re white? Because as a minority, my experience and perspective was always (and will always be) different from yours. I’m forced to view the world in terms of race, whereas you can choose not to and the worst you can do (as a reasonably decent person) is offend someone, which…
I remember that game had a creepy vibe to it, and it was terribly difficult to boot. I feel like there were areas early on in the game where if you couldn’t navigate through some obstacles, your character would die right before your eyes, which was terrifying as a kid. But maybe I’m not remembering it accurately...
You fool, they protect all Americans’ civil liberties, hence their name. They are not the enemy and for a lot of us minorities they’re the most powerful friend we have.
No, I think the issue at hand is the poor method of treating this person who not only managed his office affairs, but also his home affairs based on what Musk’s ex-wife wrote—she wasn’t given the chance to make her case.
Whatever you say, snowflake.
Are you really comparing the “plight” of white men in America to the widespread discrimination and distrust of Jews for millennia?
I didn’t contradict myself—I clarified. I don’t have any beef with Welshmen in Wales or Slovenians in Slovenia. I only have a problem with certain white men in America who are either ignorant to the plights they cause or knowingly “get power [and] tend to want to keep and build on that power,” as mleonnig put it a…
It’s inflammatory hyperbole, written in response to an article that’s inflammatory hyperbole.
No, I don’t think any other groups in power would do better.
I’m guessing you have no experience with immigration. As an American citizen, I can’t immigrate to another country without first being economically desirable (rich or very highly-skilled) or a refugee. I would love to move to Canada, but based on what research I’ve done, I can’t.