
This. HamNo is obviously one of those insufferable people that get off a plane as though they’re getting out of bed.

You can’t buy masculinity, and you can’t buy emasculation either. Dodge’s marketing department will try to convince you otherwise, though.

Sometimes you do encounter them. They’re the slow fuckers blocking the left lane.

The man plowed into her car.

That’s pretty much true everywhere. I don’t know if your perception about New England is accurate, though. The only solid swath of blue is in Vermont.

I think it’s depressing that it hasn’t even occurred to King’s opponents to fight fire with fire. Whatever happened to Anonymous and the like?

Unless your proposed gun control laws involve bringing the US Army door to door to confiscate firearms, the effects will be negligible. If that’s along the lines of what you’re thinking, sign me up to your newsletter.

It’s an illusion that we have the power of choice 100% of the time, and of course it’s an illusion that Americans want to believe because it’s the basis of our cultural philosophy. We want to believe it because it’s scary to think that we’re not always in control. We also want want to believe it because it absolves us

The Republican PR machine is scary. You guys make China look like amateurs.

You know honestly, I’ve always thought this was the best thing about the Trump Presidency. Now I don’t have to feel paranoid—I feel justified knowing that there’s all sorts of fuckfaces in our midst, and that they’re more than happy to let it all hang out. It’s better than when people were racist behind your back.

Your argument sounds like that of a person who is tempted to settle for the easier personal satisfaction of judgment of others, versus the infinitely harder approach of driving change in society.

You’re right about my word usage, but I think your response only further illustrates that you can’t see the forest for the trees. Maybe you just don’t care about the bigger issue?

You’re taking it too literally. There’s obviously a far more important issue at hand here. (One that doesn’t have to negate the fact that Comey himself or the FBI, suck.)

I think some people just have a hard time seeing cartoons as being able to convey serious messages.

You could always try passive-aggressive strategies to communicate your general disapproval of their behavior.

Because liberals are godless heathens who hate Jesus.

In my experience, political affiliation is irrelevant to whether or not I can expect a white person to have racist attitudes. I basically only ever trusted punk rock kids to have truly progressive attitudes when I was younger. Hippies and preppies are basically flip sides of the same coin—although to be fair, the

...that would usually just give the asshole an excuse to tell you he didn’t give a shit.

Growing up, I only ever had 1 or 2 other folks of East Asian descent in my classes. Fewer than you, it seems. I’d still been called a gook or chink plenty of times, because if a kid/bully wants to insult you, they’ll pick the most hurtful thing they can think of. “Motherfucker” was the best I could muster in response

It looks like the second pic shows the geoduck from the first pic, but jacked off.