
@Archaotic: depends on the graphics engine and whether Cell is utilized more.

@Leanid: Indeed! Just look at the Mario Kart games on Wii and DS. It's a shame Metroid isn't in the same boat though.

@OpinionMan: they could probably keep the same price and pack in Wii Sports Resort and M+ in place of the original Wii Sports too.

@DRaGZ: They should take a lesson from Tekken 6's Bob.

@PlayerX: Funny, when I first got my PS3 last year it ran hair-dryer hot for the first few hours I used it. But after updating to 2.40 it ran cool and mouse-fart quiet (to this day). Weird.

@Zak Canard: Indeed. Most N64 games were 16 megabytes or less, a handful were 32 megs, and only 2 were 64MB (Pokemon Stadium 2 and Resident Evil 2).

@krztov: Damn! I lent my Game Gear to a highschool classmate and never saw him again after graduation either!

Shame on them. Mother/Earthbound already had New Pork City.

@Quote: That's probably just Youtube's fault. I hope. Pretty much all 3D DS games run at 30 or 60fps after all.

Looks pretty good in motion. I just hope Nintendo's next handheld has at least 320 x 224 resolution though.

what about the millions of unsold PS3 Fats in the world? WIll Sony and various retailers just accept the losses? It boggles the mind...

Can Macs natively output at 1366 x 768 too?

@Pornosaur: Not yet sure, but I'll check later. It seems likely.

A friend of mine in Manila who works for MS Tech support says this is indeed coming. He wouldn't give me exact pricing though. The 250 gig drive will be sold separately as well.

Chief Creative Officer eh? That's like John Lassetter's title...

@kasplat: Those early N64 games were $60-70 IIRC.

@Tzion: I would go with something like MGS4 or Killzone 2.

I bet my kidney this is real...

My 40GB PS3 with 90nm RSX and 65nm Cell eats about 150 watts under load, so if the Slim tops out around 70-80 watts that's damn impressive.

It's Hildegard Von Krone!