Reverend Hunt

I don’t think that it’s ever the appropriate response for someone to say “These people shouldn’t be treated better until I am treated better/because I am treated poorly.” Everyone should be treated well regardless of who they are and you shouldn’t impede progress just because it doesn’t specifically benefit you. Not

Can Li Kovacs act? She already works with Nintendo so I figure if she can act, this is the best choice.

This game actually came out in 2013; it was just a Microsoft Store exclusive until now.

Well I’ll be damned. They managed to end her streak as the most boring character in SF history. I’d’ve rather seen Joe than Karin before, but now she actually looks alright.

If Galactus isn’t on the team why is he on the team shot in the top picture (that shows exclusively all of the Avengers rosters together)?

So the (or at least, “a”) major qualifyier for whether an organism is a Pokémon or not is whether it can use “moves”?

Also the next anime series is called Pokémon XY&Z. So it *does* seem to be hinting at a new Pokémon Z game, but they have a history of really coming out of left field. Nobody predected Black & White 2, for example.

I don’t have any context, having not seen the film (other than that shot from the back above), but well done regardless. I might have to lose a leg and I want a Terminator or Iron Man leg (maybe both), myself.

I’m wondering if TPC uses the same copyright monitoring/actioning company as Nintendo proper, because that would explain at least some of the asshattery.

Me too. It’s a neat little box.

They have OUYA Everywhere in China. It was either Xiaomi or Alibaba (maybe both) that ushered it in.

The topic is how Toy Story “went too far” and yet most of this article laments how they didn’t go far enough. It’s like I stumbled upon Cracked somehow. After yesterday’s superlative K-Wong articles, I’m a bit disappointed.

Without Snoopy, we wouldn’t have those kickass flying games.

I pretty much shit myself when I saw loose copies of Contra going for $60 on eBay.

When is this finally coming out? I saw the trailer months ago.

How do you win regular Pac-Man? You don’t.

But Nolan North already voiced the character. Because Nolan North voices everybody. Even Ghost, and also Peter Dinklage. And you. And the Nolan North that voices you also is voiced by Nolan North.

Mentioning Dark Cloud just makes me sad that there were only two of them :(

Well for one thing, I don’t feel like it was massive of a failure as you are alluding to. It always felt like more of an experiment than a revolution, despite what the marketing mentioned. But even then... I’m pretty sure the main reason it didn’t do as well as it should have, is because it was written off so hastily.

Reading the update on Polygon just made me miss Crecente.