I tried making a legit, one-on-one fighting game for the 2600. It was shaping up to be better than Karate but obviously fell short of anything good. I also vastly overestimated my programming abilities and has been in development hell for a bit.
I tried making a legit, one-on-one fighting game for the 2600. It was shaping up to be better than Karate but obviously fell short of anything good. I also vastly overestimated my programming abilities and has been in development hell for a bit.
Apple already nixed the game for iOS a while ago
How long ‘til playable/cover star women in Madden?
So he’s one of the Pillar Men.....
According to a NECA employee when they were making Street Fighter figures, the original characters in SFEX were co-owned by both companies.
It hit me as early as Brawl in the Family.
Nah mate, it’s far from the worst. Arcade Attack, the DS and PSP versions of thr 2007 film adaptation, and everything Activision has published are far, far worse.
This happens all the bloody time on Youtube videos. I don’t know if Capcom ever did find out who was getting SF footage pulled in their name, and a copyright protection agency completely unaffiliated with Sega was pulling videos based on Sega properties without knowledge or consent. Meanwhile if you have actual abuse…
Namco’s list doesn’t even have any of their fighters? What the frick?
“Martian Manhunters”.
Is it really considered “leaked” if Netherrealm released him as a CPU opponent already?
I’ve never, ever, EVER been disappointed in any game’s pre-order bonus that I’ve ever gotten. Every single one of them has satisfied me.
This is literally the only place I’ve seen anybody say anything good about the Batmobile in this game.
Why the fart is it in English?
I thought that was a still image instead of a video and that the joke was only Mighty No. 9 was on this list of upcoming games.
Good. Now give your other licenses to someone who can do something. I want to see new Streets of Rage, Psycho Fox, and Alex Kidd before I die.
You’re not espousing an opinion. You’re ignoring facts and using it as an excuse to whine. The article literally says they were unable to make it run as intended on the PS3. The PS3 was simply too underpowered to run the game. You can’t logically be pissed at Sony for not literally being magic.
I want a Fighters Megamix 2 as well.
Those faction reps all look derived from Mortal Kombat characters.