Reverend Hunt

Considering what happened with the last Mega Man handheld compilation, I’m not holding out for the 3DS version of this one.

It doesn’t mean it’s bad. It just means it’s spread across the internet. Honestly I hate the term but it basically amounts to “scary internet urban legend”

Wait what? I live in Tacoma and I never heard about this... how do I have to come to Gawker for local news?

Hard mode: evolution of Bulma.

Looks like I’m going to have to Google what a Kimmy Schmidt is.

I thought he’s pretty much canned the series a while ago.

Awesome, a new Dr. Mario for my birthday!

What in the hell is a “real game community”? As opposed to a fake one? I’m confused.

As of last week at least, someone on an MK board said that High Voltage told them it was still on track for summer and that the specifically June release date was just a retailer placeholder. I certainly hope it’s still coming. Medical expenses keep me from upgrading and I’ve had Amazon credit set aside for the PS3

Why would anyone “have a problem with the handicapped”? I think you’re misreading the reaction. If such a drastic change happened suddenly in any of your friends without warning (Such as is in Max’s mind what with time travel), would you not be shocked? If someone you JUST saw standing and walking were to roll up to

Is that actually a legitimate quantifier? “More” graphics? As opposed to “better” or “improved” or something?

Now playing

The “arright” thing, I remember being the sound effect when a shadowed-out employee (Mark Penacho) in the PC version of MK4 showed up in the credits. Looks like it happened in the N64 version, too.

I don’t speak it but I got it ;)

I love when games do this kind of thing. I’ve found a few at the Surprise Creepy article on TV Tropes and a couple of Cracked entries. None seemed to be this elaborate though.

Needed to start out with a Track & Field “on your left” sequence.

9 10 Do.

Jason’s “Sleeping Bag Killer” actually just reminds me of a better version of Hotaru’s Fatality in Deception.

I thought Nintendo ushered an update that broke this not too long after it was realized that this was a thing....

I was convinced that it was Cassandra just upon first glance at the image.

I know, right? Dat sunk-into-the-ground tongue spin!