Wait, I thought this was going to be *all* CG.
Wait, I thought this was going to be *all* CG.
I didn't say YOU wanted him in every fighting game. Everyone else seems to do so. That is why I never once said you were the one who wanted him every game, now did I? I've seen him countless times as a most-wanted fighting game guest character in things that made zero sense - MK vs. DCU, Injustice, Marvel vs. Capcom…
I still don't understand why everyone wants Spawn as a guest character in every fighting game. He hasn't been relevant in years.
You named your kids Seamus and Archer? That's AWESOME.
That glance she gives the camera before hoisting her weapon is bloody adorable.
I love the justification the gave in the prequel manga for him being able to achieve a new form.
He's died a few times already so I'm convinced he's built up an immunity (or at least is much harder to kill).
They're only just now released in The States. Australia, Europe, and Japan have had them since last year.
I say they should, instead, actually support what they already have.
Wait, anti-vaccination is supposed to be a left-wing thing? The only two people I know who have supported such, are massively conservative republicans.
I'm not seeing any Hyperlinks in the article at all o_o
Can you provide examples of bad/ridiculous game graffiti? I honestly can't think of any off the top o' me noggin and am curious.
I'd add something about how not all anime is the shonen stereotype that everyone thinks it is. In fact not all SHONEN is like that.
I've been to Metacritic a total of once. I made a comment a few years ago on Facebook about how pound for pound, I felt that SoulCalibur III was the best in the series. A friend sent me a link to its Metacritic page, saying "Metacritic says it's not. You're wrong."
duktor pls
I do wish they would've started it with them coming across each other, you know, a lead-in to the fight, instead of starting with the fight.
My thoughts exactly.
Do both not mean "recurring theme"?
I *DESPISE* the "obvious characters revealed first" trope. It's very anti-hyping.