He was still alive when the film was made.
He was still alive when the film was made.
Does nobody understand what the words STARRING ROLE mean?
She works at Amazon now. I'm pretty sure she's well-taken care of.
Good for you?
I had a co-worker who was always freezing up here in Washington, during the winter. She was born in, and spent half her life in, SIBERIA. You know, the COLDEST PART OF RUSSIA. I never did find out if she was from Oymyakon, which is supposed to be Siberia's coldest village, though.
I was just thinking a few weeks ago about how fucking awesome those Pac-Man covers were.
NSL didn't release on handhelds.
Steam's not 100% yet. It's down right now and both the website and anything other than the games themselves in the client are giving the same error I was getting throughout yesterday. It might be intermittent, but it's still there.
Am I misreading? I don't see any mention of Next-Gen console releases....
I'd totally be down to be her friend if that were at all possible. She actually seems more sane than some of the people I've hung out with.
I'm glad you posted this. I was reading comments wondering "Has Kotaku forgotten what this woman does!?"
I mean I like her work, and respect her special brand of insanity, but I'm not sure I'd ever date someone who is this bizarre.
Not the original that I remember... one of the sequels (I wanna say one of the two titles called "Warrior's Rage") had a playable generic ninja that had a metal headband. Also a glasses-wearing samurai named Ichiro Suzuki who sadly didn't play baseball.
I'm pretty sure there was depictions prior to Naruto (I've seen them in Samurai Shodown at least) but that might be where it was popularized.
Hippies, coffee, and nerds. I usually am disappointed when it comes to people showing off Washington's stereotypes, but I'm pleased with this one.
*Dark Emperor
Dark Lord has yellow eyes.
The original voice actor for Tails died yesterday, as well
You mean like my sister's ex, who bought $200 sunglasses he "needed" instead of paying for their kid's food?
I wish every game came in a steelbook. I love them.