Reverend Hunt

Looks like the final stage of Streets of Rage 1.

Considering how many "Turkish Hackers" are actually North American and European script kiddies, I wouldn't be surprised, actually.

Why is the head of a school so prevalent in your rant?

I'd forgotten about "...Kick It..." Both of those definitely qualify as well.

I was reminded of the title again last night, and you're absolutely correct.

I find a lot of indie games have really weird names, I guess as an attempt to stand out? A crapload of XBLA indies start with the letter A or "Aa" for no reason other than to kick them to the top of the alphabetical list... then you get ones like VVVVV and AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! A Reckless Disregard for


I see what you did there.

I did watch Season 1 and 2 in one go with my brother once... I didn't estimate how long that was. Does this have any of Season 3 in it?

Five hours of Marble Hornets? o.o

Video game costume? Only if Wolverine, Jason Voorhees, and Donald Duck are considered video game costumes.

I know a few of these all too well. I do feel that the PayPal one should have had a caveat about withholding from fighting games or something.

I'd fight gang members alongside her any day.

If I remember correctly, Ash's mom states in Live that she was involved with Giovanni before she met Ash's dad.

I'm glad I'm not the only one in the "Silver is Ash's dad" camp.

Back when the series first hit US shores and people were just finding out about MissingNo., Nintendo issued a press release about MissingNo.'s "dangerousness". I wrote them a letter asking to make it official in a later game and did get a letter... but it was a very cookie-cutter "we don't accept ideas from the

$100,000 in three months? Most voice actors don't make that in a year.

Scyther and Scizor are my favorite Pokémon. I'd welcome this.

I want a MegaMissingNo.

A screenshot of a magazine? Seems pretty counterintuitive. I'd rather go look at the scans.