Reverend Hunt

Even if I hadn't seen that video, I'd recognize Stuart Ashen's brown sofa anywhere.

In what alternate universe is what I said trolling?


That was easily the least entertaining thing I've seen all year.

Captain Gordon is the biggest badass in history.

From the Kickstarter page:
"We've put up a significant amount of cash to bootstrap the game to this point; acquiring the license up front...."

Wise man say "Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza."

Got my mind racing to different subjects during this commercial. Paper cranes made me think she was going to die. Death + paper cranes = Sadako. Sadako + Death = cursed video tape. Then I remembered that I have Sadako 3D showing up in the post tomorrow. My mind is weird.

VERY much so. I can't stop playing it.

Most incarnations of the Turtles are pretty awesome. I like the new Nick ones even more than the 4Kids ones, and I LOVED the 4Kids series.

Regardless, from most of what I've read (including the Book of Five Rings, but it's been years so I could be mistaken), he preferred bokken, though :| Either way, he's who I think of when I hear "dual wield" and "Miyamoto" together.

I...thought the dual-wielding of daisho was standard.

I expected this article, by the title, to be about Musashi Miyamoto, who started an entire school of duel-wielding katana.

Japanimation? I haven't heard anyone use that term since 1992.

Oh thank you, Bash. :D I love The Ring/Ringu but there doesn't seem to be a dedicated news site for it anymore so I may have never seen this if not for you.

For the love of God, can we have any topic of conversation without someone barging in with "am I the only one that doesn't like the (person/game/character/show/movie/event/abstract thought/potato the topic covers)?"? Every single one of these is going to have people that like it, and people that don't. You're not the

That takes some careful planning and effort to get each of those just right. Bravo.

If only they could somehow obtain the license to make this official....

I always wondered just how the fuck Saki was still alive after all of that ordeal.