This is a better way to learn your pronunciations (in American English, anyway). Especially the last 20-some days where they appear to have gone batshit insane.…
This is a better way to learn your pronunciations (in American English, anyway). Especially the last 20-some days where they appear to have gone batshit insane.…
My brother and I have been awaiting this game for a long time, and now that he's got a working PS3 again, we're gonna hack the shit outta some enemies time and time again :D
I saw the trio return last weekend while I was out shopping. Grabbed two bags of chicken & waffles because they're the best damn chips ever.
My concern is how people always seem to have cameras pointed at their TVs when things like news snafus arise. It's not like the bloke that uploaded the video could have known she was going to draw a dong.
Do people just point their video cameras at their TVs in case something like this happens? Tivo crossed my mind but as I've never used one I don't know if it does news broadcasts, plus I would think that anyone with one would have a better way of getting footage from the TV to a computer.....
But Squirrel Girl is sure to be nerfed horribly, otherwise she'd never lose a battle.
I'm loving the new show, loving the IDW comics, and am hopeful for Out of the Shadows, but....
I'd probably need to purchase new shorts.
I did this as a lad but instead of a finger, I drew the character with a little tab at the bottom, cut a line in the paper, and the player would reach behind the paper and move the character by holding the tab. I called them "Paper Video Games" and all of my friends wanted me to make them for them that year.
I just saw the first of these corruption videos a few days ago - SMB2 - and I was really entertained by a mix of the bizarre happenings and the comments. Normally people reacting to strange or creepy things doesn't amuse me, but it did in this occasion.
I follow her on Facebook so I'd seen this already... and in fact I actually mentally scrolled past this on my jaunt to Kotaku as an automatic checkmark thinking that I had read the story before, until she posted this one her page.
I have but one game on Steam that I've never played: Penny Arcade 3, which was free. I've played Bad Bots and Skullgirls beta, which are the only two other games I own.
EDIT: Looks like the beta doesn't count, so my breakdown is:
*Worth:* $14.98
Oh sweet! That's my new favorite .gif now.
Yo I can't even get the paint accurate on a 12 inch figure. Shit's hard to do. I'd probably throw my desk through the wall if I tried to paint details on something this tiny.
Is this what Insomniac has been teasing today on their Facebook page that they'll announce tomorrow, I wonder? I am almost let down by the fact that A) IGN spilled the beans early and B) the teasers made it seem like a crossover of some sort was coming.
Decision reversed! Stream will go full ahead!
Those muffins were terrible!
Strangely, I just kept thinking of Hit Girl throughout the whole video.
I love importing obscure Japanese-only fighting games on my handhelds and PS3.