It’s called dolphin, the game is not even that old so why remake it? buy the gamecube game, turn it into an iso, play in 1080p. Not hard.
It’s called dolphin, the game is not even that old so why remake it? buy the gamecube game, turn it into an iso, play in 1080p. Not hard.
It would have been nice if there was a release year for every vehicle on the list so I didn’t have to google it separately, just sayin.
It didn’t. most of the talent points were throwaways on stat points that didn’t really matter just to get to the abilities that you wanted. And respecing was a god awful chore. If you were trying to be a “tanky healer” with a Paladin when there were still skill trees in this game I bet your raid group hated you.
Japanese women.
With mods it is, pretty bad that in order to make it a good game you pretty much have to mod it out, do you remember vanilla combat? you have attack and block, that’s pretty much it, and don’t even get me started on shoot up the wasteland 4.
Sounds like a bunch of whining to me, I bet you’re real fun at parties.