Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
So... if you get pregnant before what, 25, you aren’t allowed to be happy about it?
That was a very touching video honestly
Here is an image that is ideally suited to slowly scrolling down the screen. Starting from his head, at first I was like “well, sure” but then came the finale...
Yes, thank you! The sea-dooing naked scene...wowzers.
I LOVEEEDDD that movie! As a 14 year old girl seeing it I was so intrigued! Crazy Love or Wild Love, something like that.
Anytime I hear about eyes it reminds me of that OLD Drew Barrymore movie where she runs away with Chris O’Donnell and then he finds her freaking out cutting eyes out of magazines and pasting them on a wall.
Maybe that’s because people have languished in the grays for YEARS, trying to make insightful, thoughtful comments, and not stir shit, and continue to remain gray, while known trolls are ungrayed on a regular basis. (I’ve had this profile on this site, have never used a burner, and have always been gray. It’s…
I am a man
This one time, I forgot
Why is that not a thing?! Sometimes I have overshare regret or clap back regret and it’s just there forever.
“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”
I loathe, loathe, LOATHE all Michael Bay movies (and their ilk), but I am extremely fond of Armageddon. 99% because of Liv Tyler.
Don’t you just hate it when you forget if you locked the car?
I’m so happy for Corey. To me, he’s like the Rose McGowan of the boy set. He kept crying out, and no one was listening.
I was definitely a “Joker did ballet” kid. I remember hearing the “Joker got away” version later on in life and was baffled by it.
What ever happened to “and joker took ballet, hey!”?