
So you’re the a-hole. Good thing you don’t have money then, Josh. You don’t have to worry about acquiring class you clearly don’t have.

It's just common courtesy and class. Obviously the author has none. And yes its because you didn't pay up for first class. 

no fucking way am i tipping hotel staff 10 bucks without them giving me an enthusiastic hand job with eye contact first.

$10/day per person for tips? Have you been talking to the Salty Waitress?

yeah, but why? What’s the venn overlap between:

Did anyone else think that the Zelda cover was some sort of over sexualized fan art? That can’t be an accident, right?

Did anyone else think that the Zelda cover was some sort of over sexualized fan art? That can’t be an accident,

Gaming used to be nerds and outcasts who understood the stigma of demeaning words, but since it’s gone mainstream, the usual people who feel entitled are coming out and claiming they’re victims because some people still have negative associations and memories of the word and dislike having it brought up when they or

I don’t understand why she wouldn’t just sent a text that says, “hey, this event is coming up. let’s meet up at __ beforehand. looking forward to it! let me know if your plans have changed. bye!”

Can I also say that I think it’s really weird to be like, “It will be awkward. We’ll have nothing to say after not seeing each other for so long.” I have plenty of friends that I only see a few times a year. I love them, but we are just busy with our own lives. You know what? We find plenty to talk about BECAUSE

I am going to be that guy- This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. She is free to say Trump is a racist. And ESPN, a private company, is free to fire her/punish her/do nothing to her if it feels like it.

i am so confused! one sister had a baby with the dude and ANOTHER sister married same dude? what???

I still can’t tell if this “advice” column is supposed to be serious, or if there’s just some inside joke I’m not getting. This can’t be real advice, can it?

How was it handed to her? People were fighting to keep her from having one, fought her when she had an album, and then killed her career after one song. There was almost a decade of work she put in to get to where she was.

“But she should be subject to that criticism. It should be an uncomfortable space for a white artist to appropriate black music. It’s only because of her white privilege that Iggy can be in that uncomfortable space but not have it get in the way of her career.”

“Feminism” today is an embarrassment to the word.

I wish there was some sort of lifehack to keep jezabel and root articles - on jezebel and root. I’m not even white and I’m barely a man but jesus christo where can I read about videogames and movies without this vilification by wrongful definition?

It’s a feedback loop. They can call someone for mansplaining and if the man does ANYTHING other than politely accept the accusation, they are then further guilty of mansplaining. It’s a tactic to control the interaction. The example above is simply patronizing condescension and happens all the time to men/women by men

At least you were offered a sensical explanation of sorts. I have literally been told a few times that it’s literally any time a man explains something to a woman. And my incredulity at that explanation has usually made the whole situation worse. Ugh.


That’s not the definition of mansplaining as explained to me by so many women I’ve discussed it with. What you define in the first paragraph is just run-of-the-mill condescending behavior. Frankly, I’ve seen as much of that from women in the workplace as from men. I was under the impression that “mansplaining” is when