
The courts find you guilty not the police. Understand your rights better.

Can the elderly and children not get the flu shot? If they can, then why would me getting it help them? If they aren’t getting it and can then I guess they are the assholes for trying to make me get it.

Until the sun melts everything or an asteroid hits us.

It’s weird that humans felt the need the need to change terminology that has to do with a machine that has no feelings.

Hold the phone. Weed smell lingers for weeks in a car? Bwhahahaha

Um yeah, no, this is just silly. There could have been a catastrophic bug that wasn’t affecting anyone but could if xyz happened, or it could have been something that urgently/seriously needed changed resulting in a bump to 6.0 but had zero effect on users.

Watch the video. Investigation complete. Done.

We live in a world where a tweet can start a war? Just stop and think about that for a minute.

I’m pretty sure Elon can and will do whatever the fuck he wants, and doesn’t give a shit about what you, me , or anyone else thinks.

Weird. I couldn’t disagree more about the Perrier Lime results. I presume this has something to do with it being a mineral water, which is different from the others (being just sparkling waters). Maybe it shouldn’t have even been a contender?

I like what you did there ;)

Yeah, I don’t understand why the critics loved it so much. What happened to the art of story telling and stuff that makes sense, and the critics that understood this? Instead, it’s almost as if they gave it such great reviews simply because of the women (regardless of anything else) and the political undertones.

We make decisions about how we cover those companies based purely on what is best for our readers.” Uh huh, sure you do buddy.

She’ll be okay even if she’s in solitary confinement.

Unless the water isn’t bleeding out and is instead pooling somewhere inside the bottom of the bumper...

Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I was in a bad mood when I wrote that. I’m just sick of the whole “shithole” country controversy. The “Please... you’re better than that”... better than what? Reality?

Because countries that allow child labor, and/or asbestos and lead in products (where it can be dangerous to their citizens health), or any other vile thing or act like crucifixion and dismemberment are what? Good countries?

Although, you’re right. Let’s remember that these stories, characters, worlds came from the comics and their writers, which had a great deal of politics.

Look, there is no ‘N’, ‘E’, or ‘S’ in the Japanese language so of course they don’t say or us N.E.S. like we do here in the USA. It doesn’t mean either is right, it just means that one way makes more sense for each.

A custom case with a custom fan configuration is the way to go.