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Yes, it is apparently preferable to be severely physically disabled, brain damaged, or dead than to be autistic if you follow their logic to its obvious conclusion. It’s disgusting.
I live up here and yes. Many douchecanoes about the vaccinations. I’m vaccinated but still at risk, so I basically quarantined myself for a month last year during the measles nonsense, because I know just how many idiots up here won’t vaccinate their kids, and I don’t reckon I want to be Typhoid Mary.
The reason that people in developing countries jump at the chance at vaccinating their kids is because they either know someone who has or have buried their own children due to illnesses. They know that child death can happen to them. They know that should their children end up with a disease-related disability, any…
It didn’t occur to me until the other day, are anti-vaxxers not getting their TETANUS shots either?? Because that is a horrific, painful death if there ever was one.
By 1979, through widespread vaccination, the United States was able to totally eradicate polio, a crippling disease…
I hope you don’t mind but I copied your last ‘graph to use in future. It’s exactly how I feel but I get too emotional to put it together as you have. Thanks in advance!
What frightens me is the thought of future voters who might not be taught critical thinking. It wouldn’t occur to them not to believe whichever moron on teabagger TV/radio.
Wow, did he seriously suffer from cogitive dissonance right there? He really blamed Obama for cutting food stamps? Didn’t the Republicans try to paint Obama as the Food Stamp president, since he wants to spend all that money on food stamps, according to them? Is he just going to vote for the white guy politician, no…
The New Testament actually says precisely the opposite, but I doubt these people can read. So.
Great name. And an even better comment.
I like you:)
A lot of folks in this country are old enough to remember when Iran was The News of the day, and they were the scariest thing on the planet. We still have people apoplectic over relaxing our sanctions with Cuba, after 50+ years, you think people will be reasonable over Iran? It’s not surprising, is all I’m saying.
Oh I agree, and that’s the ridiculousness of their arguments. The anti gay movement wants to hold the LGBT community up as freaks who are out to destroy America, turn our children gay (as if that’s a thing), etc.
Never underestimate Americans’ ability to vote against their own best interest.
Well it’s election season, and they have to throw red meat to the crazies for the GOP primaries.
They can, but not at theraputic levels. If I miss even two days of my antiepressant, I know and it’s bad. It’s possible this might have contributed.
Unlikely if she was on SSRIs—these can stay in your system at therapeutic levels for several months.
Her head was slammed into the ground during the arrest, right? Was she medically assessed before arriving at the jail? Because an untreated or unnoticed concussion could have made her do this when she normally wouldn't have.
Sandra Bland’s family has requested an independent autopsy into her death, which Texas authorities have ruled a…