
Goddamned Malcolm Gladwell again! Why do business types fall for his schtick? There is no real evidence supporting any of his pet theories and eh traffics in glibness.

“Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests.” That’s from the EPA. I used to have the same misconception. :)

Thanks! This is exactly what inspired me to write this: I started asking my students (in environmental studies and nutrition classes) what they thought of GMOs. They were almost universally against them, for really good reasons...which have nothing to do with GMOs. I wish people would get off this damn bandwagon and

This is a great post. I previously had a really good discussion in the comments of another article with someone and realized that they were just using GMOs as a proxy for a bunch of (sometimes) correlated agriculture practices that had nothing to do with whether the seeds were genetically modified with the modern

Maybe read the entire article and/or click on some of the provided links before commenting? Because that was addressed.

So instead, we should bombard them with radiation until we get a mutant that does what we want? The fact of the matter is that GMOs are a more accurate and safer way of introducing DNA you want into plants. In fact, as the article points out, a GMO food is more likely to have only the DNA you want.