
This game looks beautiful. It has a Journey feel to it. If the music is anything like the trailer ... it seems perfect.

Now it’s a Christmas game

Oh, will this play like Windwaker? I’ve been wanting a Zelda style Adventure Time game. It seems so perfect for the genre.

You are incorrect. This review was helpful to many people, including me.

Tim Rogers excellent 20-minute video completely convinced me into NOT buying this game. And I really wanted a good JRPG on the Switch.

Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.

You could post this on basically every game and I’d agree every time. I am so over playing anything but puzzle games and passive clickers on my phone. I want the other 99.9% of games on my Switch, particularly all the RPGs. The Switch is just such a perfect console for games both short-session (Mario, Tetris, Karting)

Most fun I’ve ever had racing was in Project Gotham Racing and Burnout games... and those are all about being agressive with other racers.

You can shoot the birds in Battlefront 2.

I did love Final Fantasy XV but that ending (and last third of the game really) could have used some fleshing out. Though I am okay with how the game wrapped up. I thought it was a fitting ending considering what Noctis and the crew went through.

That’s a fucking bold move.

Are Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy VII set in the same world?

He’ll be represented by this:

There was so much wrong with episode...

One of the higher-ups at Monolith is married to my cousin.

I wonder who designed them...

I have two guesses from those screenshots.