
My brother brought his Japanese girlfriend over to the UK a while back, and it took quite a while for her to get her head round the idea that trains could be an hour late and that we all seemed to think that this was normal.

As long as it has Perfect Dark, that’s fine.

How sick would a remake of this game be with modern engine/graphics.

Actually, the intent isn’t to kill but incapacitate. The issue is that the quickest way to incapacitate a threat has a great chance of killing (more so when their first response after is to handcuff them and leave them to bleed out instead of medical help).

Holy crap, forming a line to a quest-giver in an MMORPG? I’ve seen people joke about that, but never seen it done seriously in a game. That is as sad as it is hilarious.

This was actually the one and only thing I saw about this game that I disliked. When any and all logic says you’d get punished for doing that, why would I ever even consider doing it? It actually seemed like bad design to me. If the coins were in the arc of a jump or Cappy couldn’t reach them, it would be a better

Eat, sleep, train.

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Bethesda: “Man we really screwed up. We seriously pissed off our modding community. I cant think of what we could have done worse”

Dear Hackers-

Legitimate theft, or beginning of ARG?

How do these breasts actually work?

And there it is. Nobody does a project this big just because they want to anymore.

Divorces don’t happen because of things. They happen because of people.

not really news honestly. they released a new Tex Murphy game a year or two ago!

“Impressive” is not exactly the word I would use. This takes zero actual skill. You just have to be willing to waste an incredible amount of time.

You’re confused, so you do get it.