
Oh piss off. This game is wonderful. Quit nitpicking and enjoy yourself for once.

Has the definition of “8-bit” truly been lost?

I think there is a date wrong there. Don’t you mean 1993?

I was in the Wildstar beta, was pretty fun, but just so much of the same. Liked the sci-fi aspect though, that’s not common. Love to see it on PS4, more than Tera.

Chopper is such a asshole, I love him.

Amazon seems to have yet to open their Switch pre-orders. I used to be a GameStop shopper in the past but my faith is in Amazon now.

I can get behind that. The only issue there is Nintendo would be directly competing with themselves, what with the Switch coming out and their old games being a draw. (That’s a whole other matter. They need to get their emulation code set up to be easily portable so their emulated games all work right out of the

Nintendo and has solidified my theory that they are a company full of brilliant artists, designers and technicians that, at some point, got infiltrated by a mob of brain-damaged, glue-eating lemurs that somehow got entrusted with 50% of the company’s decision making.

I’ll be the first to say that clearing your sinus using a neti pot is one of the best feelings I have felt. Its right up there with a good sneeze. Her smile, and reaction, sums up that feeling best.

I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...

I bought the first one on the ps4, it’s kind of meh. I liked the mechanics but, it’s nothing amazing gameplay wise. It’s extraordinarily beautiful though.

I love Nintendo, but this is crazy. They need to realize that most people probably (I think) very likely live in EST! Whether western EST or Eastern EST, or even Japanese EST. We need to demand a time no later than 9AM central EST.

still not worth it

Probably for the same reasons that the Xbox One mods are so gimped when compared to PC. They don’t want people making mods for their console that could potentially damage the system (either directly through malicious code or indirectly through bad press from angry parents). PC doesn’t have those problems because there