
Does anyone else get the feeling that FF XV is either going to totally awesome or a trainwreck?

The fun part is going to be figuring out who’s a Host and who’s a Guest.


I can already taste the bitterness when it turns out to be Red Dead Remastered.

“which means it’s about damn time.”

Shit, Ogg really is a blast to watch and listen to. He’s just fun when he’s having fun.

This looks like a cool-

*shrug* It gets me out of the house and exercising. Plus gives me stuff to do for a few minutes between classes, since there is a cluster of gyms and pokestops on my campus.

Probably Popillo. Popillo’s peculiar pre-evolution to its possibly perfected final evolution positively wants to pretend to be a penis.

Cannot decide if this is needlessly complicated, or actually useful.

Now if there was another way for Pokemon to get strong other than eating candy...


I’m not. Console gaming is very much a generational thing, and so long as Gen X and Y are interested, there’ll be consoles. These generations did not grow up with affordable PC building/gaming (sans Commodore 64, etc.), so arcades and consoles were the best way to game without dropping thousands on a PC which would be

Japan is such a strange place to me, in many ways it’s still xenophobic and repressed but in other’s it’s open in ways that would simply be considered tabboo. Like being a woman and getting sleep next to drawing of a cute anime boy in hotel would probably get you ostrisized here in the US.

I remember being excited for Square Enix announcements back in the PS1 era. The only recent Square game announced that got me hyped was a remaster of FFXII. So unless this is one of their Eidos games (Legacy of Kain reboot, please!) I honestly don’t think I’ll care.

It's Been Real
Now playing

Well, folks, it’s been awesome. Got one last Deltron track for you, which, surprisingly, comes from Battleborn, and

Too many onions in my office at the moment...