There is a tragedy here and that is no new Commander Keen.
There is a tragedy here and that is no new Commander Keen.
Impressive that they make this work in the song. When Apex Twin put his face in a song it was during the outro.
The new Doom is a surprise on multiple levels.
WWE wrestler Xavier Woods, noted enthusiast of the video games, unleashed a Street Fighter-style Hadouken on Aiden…
Look guys I sympathize with you Vita owners but at some point you need to move the fuck on. You bought a console and it died,it’s happened before. Jesus are we going to be hearing this shit for the next twenty years every time an RPG comes out? It’s BS how Sony treated the Vita, it was an amazing system. But it’s…
Sea Battle! I used to take out my brothers fleet with PT boats. And then he stopped playing with me...
If he asked for 100 women and their cats he could have gotten them all from Jezebel.
So we’re gonna start seeing YouTube videos of YouTubers playing versions of themselves making YouTube videos to release on YouTube. All on YouTube.
...oh, yeah, that’s... not ominous at all...
Team Rowlet! Owls are one of my favourite animals.
State of Anarchy is basically the original GTA games if they’d never made it off a sketch book. It’s $1 on Steam.
In March, North Carolina passed House Bill 2, better known as the “Bathroom Bill.” In addition to requiring everyone…
First few hundred mods will deal with killing Marcy in
unhealthylong overdue ways.
Good Golden Axe 2 cosplay. 10/10.
I agree. They tend to air the most disturbing shorts at 4am. This was done by the same guy who made “Unedited Footage of a Bear,” which is also very strange. It’s like adult swim thinks, “Hey, you’re up this late. How about never sleeping again?” Still, they’re all oddly compelling.