Yeah, it should be a first person shooter.
Yeah, it should be a first person shooter.
The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.
I was expecting more from this game after all the Jonathan Blow pretentious hype, and the $40 price tag didn’t help either.
Although this game is pretty, I couldn’t get into it because the puzzles became repetitive. I was hoping there would be more variety like Myst, 7th Guest or Professor Layton.
98 hours, spent entirely in Destiny’s first level. Holy shit.
I wonder if falling a lot during his career led to CTE and depression.
Cool. This is why I play offline.
Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.
I wish everyone would just post that crap on YouTube so I can actually watch it with audio and all.
Normally, you can only attach a select number of mods to any given weapon in Fallout 4. This PC mod, however, gets…
That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.
It might have been the Dreamcast’s 16th birthday in America a few months back, but today actually marks the…
All day long I sit in an office chair looking at a computer. The last thing I want to do when I get home is look at another. The PS4 allows me to sit on the couch with Mrs Houser and decompress. I cannot ever remember saying to her “Geez I wish my frame rate was better”
Boston is great.
“This is exactly the mobile game from Nintendo we wanted!” -Said no one ever
There have been endlessly impressive trailers for No Man’s Sky, but it’s never been clear when we were actually…
Nope, it’s a selection of different shapes. Top row, for example, has a plus sign, a bowl, a diamond and a star.