
I’m all for anything that let’s me get around Vegas without having to walk the streets. I cannot stand the hawkers and gawkers, “cabaret dancers” and dope smoke. I take cabs everywhere when I visit.

Same. I feel like a blindfold has been torn away from my face.

Some men like nice shoes. I’m more concerned about other stuff.

Not so hasty. It’s really quite lovely. South island is frekkin’ amazing.

He’s in his fourth term in congress, so he has some experience.

Yeah, you’re right, but we need to be actively running candidates to put these guys out of commission... and support those candidates. There’s a lot of damage that can be done in a year, unfortunately.

Thanks. We need it.

Well, yeah, I see what you mean, but I’m not interested in being as passive as you about the electorate “seeing and deciding” such that we can just sit back and wait for minds to change. Democrats need to holler and yell and point fingers and remind everyone about what the state of affairs really is & what the bad

Pleats actually work pretty well with certain suit cuts. Brooks Brothers never let them go, come to think of it.

That guy scares the bejesus out of me.

It matters on a lot of levels. Like it or not, the speaker decides what comes to the floor for a vote, so all legislation has to pass his sniff test. Also, the speaker is charged withe being the point-person for negotiations with the democrats (or whoever the opposition is) where their support is needed. Furthermore,

This is why I’ve been saying for years that it’ll take 50 years to scrub off the stain that The Orange One has left on our government.

To all my Aussie and Kiwi friends - and I have many - I’m so, sooo sorry that we let the mind-disease of objectivism escape our borders. On the bright side, these folks are mostly harmless and just end up wasting a lot of time, money and patience.

No death penalty in CO, and we like it that way.

I’ll probably replace one of my cars with a BEV in the next couple years. Honestly, I’m not worried about range, but I do read and see - all the time - that charging stations are frequently out-of-order, pretty pricey, over-state their spec (that is, how much juice they can deliver), have all kinds of mobile app

I’ve been holding off on the title - what I hear about incessant loading screens and the antique engine are not inspiring. If it had 4-player co-op, I’d be more interested.

I support this inquiry. Some questions merit prompt answers.

I have no doubt that the dog simply knows who doesn’t like Joe ... and wants to leave teeth marks on them to make the bodies easier to identify. Remember that this is the secret service that went all-in on destroying evidence of their cooperation in Jan 6. They can delete the evidence of their intransigence and

I was driving back from WI to CO and that trip flows through Iowa - and I got a 100-mile smile when I passed a jeep with an Iowa vanity plate that said “SAUSAGE”. Mmmmm. IA and WI do have the best sausage... and all that ham comes from IA. Mmmm. Sausage.

I’m down with the 8 pro, but I also wanted the new watch and I haven’t seen any word in the press about the supposed pre-order bundle. Hmmmm.