
Should Democrats ever regain trifecta control of the federal government - Executive, Legislative, and Judicial - all the gains of both economic and social right over the last forty years could be rolled back.

Oh, Anne. I won’t miss the republicans, honey. We’re doing a good job getting them to flee from our state. I only wish we could do better, faster.

Most cities carry insurance for it. Don’t worry. She deserves every damn penny she can get.

Honestly, I think I’ve reached a place of quiet resignation. For five years I lived in a state of anxiety over “What will be the next stupid/apocalyptic thing The Orange One does this week?”, and I was rewarded by three religious nutbag SCotUS seats, idiotic pandemic management, corruption in 31 different novel

Ungrayed because this is exactly what I’m referring to.

I don’t, and you’re right, it’s not complicated at all, but I do like watchin’ my evening MSNBC programming - Hayes & Maddow - and they’ve been sucked into the vortex like every other outlet. It’s annoying but not problematic to fall back on print.

The only Anheuser-Busch beer I’ll drink by choice is Michelob, but I’ll have one of those in support if I can find one. Friends don’t let friends Bud Light.

Am I the only one that finds all of this so exhaustingly boring? I can’t even watch the news anymore because it hogs up all the airtime. I’d like to be able to just go one day without hearing about this trial, about The Orange One, and all the witnesses and the grand jury and Alvin Bragg and the rest of it. It’s not

You’re making some cogent observations. Thank you for adding on to my sentiments. I have a feeling that if Stahl were to press on these things we’d get a lot more of that wild-eyed anger and nonsense-talking that would serve the goal you describe... to let her hoist herself upon her own petard.

ungrayed for Boebert limerick

Hope springs eternal.

Why does it even begin to matter how one example is covered on an unpopular format in a dying medium, especially when the major criticism is that the interviewer was insufficiently outraged?

I don’t find him especially funny, but apparently he’s fun for these women to be around. It is sorta strange that nothing ever seems to stick for very long, but maybe that’s because the fun runs out eventually?

I’m delighted for both of them. Mazel Tov!

The Buick Club of America has a lot of subgroups. As a Buick guy myself, it’s really a very cool community.

Ugh. Finally! Hope you got a better deal out of the week away. Missed you!

I think she’s wonderful.

I want Oprah on the Supreme Court.

Thanks for the reply. I have voted in every single election I was allowed to vote in - every one - state, local, federal - every one for more than 40 years. I don’t think my attitudes have changed much, but I’ll allow that they probably have, at least a little. I have always voted, though. I even went through a phase

70% of people 18-29 don’t vote in presidential elections. It’s 80% for mid-terms.