I like your thinking. I think we should just build Hindustan Ambassadors brand new again. Hell, I’d love to have a Checker but they are hard to find.
I like your thinking. I think we should just build Hindustan Ambassadors brand new again. Hell, I’d love to have a Checker but they are hard to find.
Oh. Okay.
Well, I made my road trip to Wisconsin. Looking forward to having my sister and BIL show up in about an hour. My aunt has this annoying habit of waiting until the first moment you try to relax, noticing it, and then “asking” you to help her out with one thing or another. She’s not as good at it is she used to be, as…
So happy for you and glad to hear about the offer! The stress of the move should dampen worries a bit, I’ll bet. Nice job staying away from the devil’s lettuce, too!
Yay Dennis! So glad to get the update. Many thanks.
Congratulations! One day at a time.
I read a piece about that lawyer and the appearance. Apparently, she tried to get her client to appear more sympathetic but failed to convince her.
+1 and starred for Sleeper reference.
Yay! Patricia’s back! Yay!
Thanks! I do love a nice long drive. In my younger days (in my thirties and early forties) I could drive for 20 hours straight... no problem. Driving amps me up. (I can still do Denver to Phoenix in one shot but that’s at the peak of my range.) These days I divide things up... find a hotel off a convenient exit, surf…
Thank you. Needed this.
Golly. It’s dusty in here.
Nice to hear a better view. Hang in there. Still worried about your housing situation, myself.
Jonathan Pie ripped him a new one ... and Boris, too (as usual).
Out here? Ducky. It’s raining and I’m having a lounge day and a day of procrastinating before getting down on packing for a road trip next week.
Happy for your vaccination, sad to hear about the best laid plans gone awry. I hope the sorting of the situation isn’t any more painful than it has to be.
I don’t really gay it up, but everyone should feel free to gay as much as you want to. This time next week I’ll be up in Wisconsin, visiting with my aunt & uncle and my sister and brother-in law and my bratty niece and nephew.
You know, I’m not so picky when it comes to paper towels. I mostly use regular towels (well, old surgical drapes for rags, and dish (er, tea?) towels). Yet, when a paper towel is needed, like cleaning countertops, it’s just the thing. I save my Scrooge McDuck buying habits for TP.
I want to believe.