
So, basically, Bezos’ yacht is really what would be a luxury cruise ship. It’s a bit less than half the length of the Queen Mary. The late Paul Allen had a similarly-sized yacht, and it belongs to his widow, now. Remember “The Love Boat” from the 1980s? - the Pacific Princess - it was about 80 feet longer than this

Yes, this. A thousand times, this.

Billions and billions of dollars can make anyone very attractive.

I saw one at the Petersen. It’s really got a classy look. Sooo stylized.

There are very few grim things that bring me pleasure, but one portion of that small set is the knowledge that Lee Atwater has been dead for thirty years and he never saw his 41st birthday. That pleasure is tempered somewhat by the realization that the stink and sticky filth of his horrid being is still slathered all

Must be a pretty nice camper! TV and everything. Is it, like, a trailer? ... or more like an RV? This was a great piece. My dad’s brother got what is basically a large van kitted out like an RV, only tinier. He’s 71 or so? Drives all over the place. He’s a truck driver, so he could handle the biggest of the big


Well, whatever the difficulty we face in selecting shorts, we can all agree on NO CARGOS. Right?

Yeah, sorry about that. This mouse is tired and it double-clicks from time to time.

What makes you think he isn’t already a Bond villain?

I have one of the Starbucks compilations. It’s not bad. It’s like a mixtape you might get from a friend, but it’s pretty much guaranteed to be accessible. I think these kinds of things serve a purpose in getting people interested in/aware of artists and musical styles and giving them someplace to start. I throw mine

I have one of the Starbucks compilations. It’s not bad. It’s like a mixtape you might get from a friend, but it’s pretty much guaranteed to be accessible. I think these kinds of things serve a purpose in getting people interested in/aware of artists and musical styles and giving them someplace to start. I throw mine

“And groups operating under the “anti-abortion” banner absolutely want all Americans to be controlled by biblical rule.”

I’ve been trying to get my sister and her husband to move out of Houston for years. Colorado (where I am) is “too liberal” so they halfheartedly suggest Utah? Well, okay, I’ll take what I can get ... but really? Utah?

I used to be a complete slave to Carmex... in the little glass jars. They changed the formulation, though, so it’s not the same - and no glass jars for a long long time, now. Mostly now it’s Burt’s Bees.

We are in agreement, you and I.

Also good!

This piece was an amazing read. Thank you for writing it.