
Nothing in racing right now gives me more pleasure than watching Corey Lajoie’s Trump livery crash.

What he says does make sense you know, the problem is that America never tackled its shit seriously before and always let’s a disaster be the catalyst for talks of change but no change at all is made, so a nation divided is ripe for invasion. If America dealt with its shit seriously before then it wouldn’t suffer

“Far right”...

People who do this should be then forced to drive the nearest still-running Chevette for sale in their area. They must not improve the car in any way ever, and are only permitted to replace mechanical and safety-related parts as they fail. That shall be their fate. 

Everybody talks about Donald Trump being the sign that Idiocracy came to life.


Whatever keeps you guys safe is fine by me.

Yup. RNG popcorn, High-Rezinets, & Liquid Crystal Display Pepsi.

This movie is the last thing anyone should risk their life to see. Good on you for staking this stance. I love overpriced popcorn and the 1000 flavored coke machine as much as the next person. But not enough to risk my life and the life of my loved ones.

I might be able to see this one in the cinemas ... because I'm in a non US state that is on the verge of zero daily cases and all the remaining ones known are contact traced. Still going to have to wear an N95 if I do, though among other things.

Man, New Mutants has got to be one of the most doomed movies ever to actually make it to the theater (April 2018 planned release, multiple reshoots, surprise studio acquisition delay, April 2020 theater closure delay, several subsequent pandemic release date delays, and finally a forced contractual theater

“That’s an IMAX grimace, right there! You catch Maisie Williams’s nausea face on a regular screen, you’re missing out!”

That was the Cubs winning the World Series back in 2016. Shit got real dark immediately afterwards.

Coming from Disney in 2022, the long awaited remake of The Black Hole that we teased you all with in the kids bedroom in that Tron sequel that you only remember for the awesome soundtrack.

Yeah, I’m going to a drive-in for it & bringing my own snacks. Zero contact.

The big D doesn’t have much faith in this one, eh?

Whatever, nerds. No warning is going to stop me from seeing the awesome spectacle of *looks at stills* five grimacing teens standing and looking at something off-camera on the biggest screen I can find.

So it absolutely blows, and they’re denying screeners because this is the perfect time to release without critical blowback and then blame the pandemic for awful performance anyway.

With that wig, Anya Taylor-Joy falls ever deeper into the uncanny valley.

There’s a non-zero chance the first theater that tries to show it is going to be sucked into a black hole.