
We had a trans-character come out to his husband and the husband accepted him unconditionally for who he is as a person ON FOX and that isn’t good enough.... sheesh.

Doom 2015, the shareware version

According to a Twitter bot called Scorigami that “[t]rack[s] the chances that NFL games finish with a score that’s never happened before”, this is the first game that’s ended in a 41-39 score.

If more adults brought gloves with them to the park, this could have been avoided.

Fun fact: micro sd comes in volume as high as 256 gb right now and switch is compatible with up to 2tb micro sd. The more you know...

Each collectable micro SD card contains one mission! Collect them in order to play through a fantastically existing story or collect them at random and enjoy an incorherant mess of violence! Fun for all no matter how you chose to collect!!!!

Game & Watch.

How much space does DOOM take up on a Switch? I certainly wasn’t a fan of the 70 GB size on PC.

To pick a year at random, all of the following made at least six starts in 1998: Tony Banks, Trent Dilfer, Steve Beuerlein, Chris Chandler, Charlie Batch, Kerry Collins, Danny Kanell, Erik Kramer, Craig Whelihan, Donald Hollis, Bobby Hoying, Steve Stenstrom, Ryan Leaf, Kent Graham, Elvis Grbac, Jeff George, and Rob

As a full time physics student who worked as a TA, I believe so. Even that moment of relaxation will sometimes stir something in your head that’s been brewing for days will create an idea you can’t let go of. Plus it makes your dreams weirdly realistic to the point where it doesn’t feel like sleep anymore, but a

At the same time, I have to wonder how many people it burned out. You might be able to get through a game or two working like that, but I can’t imagine doing that for a whole career.

Since Super Metroid is one of my top five favorite games, and though they’ll probably never see this, I want to thank them for their ball-busting work.

Heh, you think those conditions have changed.

This feels like it should be a long article, then it just ends abruptly. I wanna know more about how those working conditions were in the 90s and how and why they changed.

The problem is that we already know the result of these situations. We know he and Chewie become partners, we know he makes the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs, we know he gets the Falcon. If it’s just retreading old ground, what’s the point? Rogue One suffered from this same issue, but it at least had the benefit of

Disney’s philosophy on any non-saga film starts with a question to be answered.

Oh, Ubisoft!

This is a bad take

3/5 Dunkey.