
Quitting as in I’ll never need another game again

One of the main reasons the Battle Royale genre is popular is because nothing carries over from past matches, making every game a fresh new challenge. The atm mechanic is gonna turn most people (including me) away.

Everyone and their mother was making a tcg like hearthstone or a hero shooter like Overwatch not too long ago. This is just the flavor of the month.

Awkward zombie was hands down the best one this week.

Nerfing Mercy into the ground and making all of them underpowered doesn’t help things either.

The game is based around switching heroes and being able to play at least two characters well so I’m against this. Plus queue times would go through the roof.

It looks really cool and if this gets funded, Angry Joe also has a great looking DBZ game in the works.

I’ve heard that the mega man game sucked but Angry Joe was heavily involved in the game itself, so it might be better?

I was impressed by all of these, especially the Zelda ones.

The Genji and Moira skins are very nice. Hopefully the enemy variety keeps it from getting really boring like the Halloween event. Blizzard might not be the best at managing the lore of Overwatch but this is a start.

The stragglers died, including lawbreakers and Battleborn.

I was thinking of a company like Bethesda or Ubisoft but yeah Epic is AAA.

It’s consimers like you that cause change in the industry, this is proof!

If they aren’t profitable, the resources used for them go away.

PUBG and Fortnite are so similar in that regard, but improving on the formula to punish camping or reward attacking could fix it.

Nah the battle royale mode is just the flavor of the month, it’ll pass just like the moba, team shooter, etc.

The current ones can get pretty boring, especially after you win. BUT, if a AAA dev gave the genre a good try I bet they could alleviate some of the problems.

They can’t balance regular Overwatch correctly, so a battle royale mode would probably be way too hard.

Snacking is fine, it’s the type of snacks that matters. And sometimes the healthier snacks taste better, plus you can eat more without feeling gross.

Walking, running, or biking in the outdoors while listening to audiobooks, podcasts, or game soundtracks is 10x than the gym.