
30k in real money?

They won’t launch one anyway, the missile is just a bargaining tool.

I guess that means he is HungaGOING to win the race.

I don’t know if you can even call this beef. It’s more like beef byproduct from a bad fast food place.

Even if it can make sense, why do it? It didn’t need this and nothing can validate it’s existence.

And when the best games don’t last 15 minutes or aren’t old console ports.

I’ve never heard of this before. These kinds of things never last because nobody wants to hang out in a vr world. Developing a good vr mmo would be way more successful.

Between merchandising and the huge Krispy Kreme sponsorship it probably made enough for at least one sequel.

Not terrible, and it set up some interesting stuff for the rest of the franchise. The training took up the majority of the movie but it wasn’t boring either.

What’s with the bronze color on the captain Rex figure? It looks out of place and takes away from the rest of the figure imo.

Awesome! Dragon Quest is one of my favorite series and I think it could actually do really well in the west, especially since Switch owners are gonna be all over it.

Pudge is one of my favorite players of all time. Definitely deserved to be voted in, especially after being so successful with so many different teams.

I enjoy his content a lot and have found both his game and film reviews to be great this year. However, this 2 month vacation announcement came after a one month break, and last year ended with him taking a break as well. He either needs to stop announcing he will take breaks and take them more frequently in shorter

It’s like he wrote this article when they gave up that goal and after they won he was too lazy to change it.

In order to address these deficiencies we should move the U.S to Europe! That will solve all of our problems and with all of the money we have in surplus it will be easily achievable.

I never understood why older players didn’t just transition to competitive games that don’t require cat-like reflexes after they got too old. It’s not like in traditional sports where your joints are ruined forever.

I wish they just randomly spawned because A. I don’t really do raids and B. I’m a member of team instinct so even if I did I probably couldn’t get enough people to join.

I think Barcelona are too top heavy anyways and getting rid of Naymar wouldn’t be that huge of a loss. You have Messi for crying out loud!

Are these games canon or not? I don’t think there has been an official statement or anything has there?

None of the art/work can be used in the portfolios of anyone involved with the game because it may have all been plagiarized.