by using attractive young women
by using attractive young women
Beverly Hills Cip 3 did it better. If your gun doesn't have a microwave oven in it I dont want it.
Yeah, it feels like if they want us to embrace a digital future then there needs to be protections for this. Like if you won’t let us redownload something we -purchased-, then you refund us. Then publishers might think twice about pulling this crap.
I’m imagining Ford showing up for my Focus (fully paid off) because…
I don’t care what units you’re using, a pilot should be able to descend without putting the plane into the ground.
Technically these were problems caused by using two systems rather than simply not metric. The Mars Orbiter would have been just as fine if all of it had been programmed in Imperial as it would if it had all been programmed in metric, for instance. :P
They “cheated” by having more fuel than allowed. The quantity of fuel that exceeded the regulations? About the equivalent of a shot of vodka.
All five Ford GTs presumably use the same fuel tank, but only the one that won its class and the one that placed highest in the other class were excluded.
The hands coming through the doorway icon is from Resident Evil Outbreak, I believe. The lady sitting on the gun is... Lady from DMC3, and the dancing lady is Trish (DMC2or DMC1).
Hold the fucking phone, elsewhere in the world it’s Duracell who have the bunny mascot???
The DMC3 icon is a favourite - however probably the coolest was MGS3, which was the Boss’ gun with a white flower from the final arena, unless you had a completed save, at which point the flower was stained blood red.
That’s not the cool bit though, this is: if you did the Ape Escape side content, the flower turned…
Isnt the Toyota the only LMP1 car in the grid??
Robin Mullen, Ducky Lasek, Geoff Crowley, Blue Jay Burnquist, Steve Caba-Oriole, Kareem Cardinal, Dove Muska, Eric Condor, and Tony Hawk.....
like tony eagle
And Planeswalkers. Double ugh.
You should already know it’s more than you can afford, pal.
Also not a targa, harder to ask douchebags what the MSRP on their Ferrari is in a hard top.
I like this stuff, but what is really throwing me off is the wheels on that Hot Wheels ‘89 Batmobile. The wheels are too gold, and they look like they look like stock wheels from the Hot Wheels parts bin. If you’re not going to make custom wheels for this car, at least pick wheels from the parts bin that maybe…
Every time I see that pinata llama screenshot from Fortnite, I get so excited... only to realize it’s not the Viva Pinata sequel I’m hoping for.
I still get annoyed when people laud him for being the next Triple-Crown wearer.
If you ask yourself “Was that thing that happened in Brazil slapped together last minute?”, the answer, pretty much always, is ‘yes’.
Plan A: Bang in a Tesla.