
This game keeps getting better and better. Why isn’t it at EVO?

All of the great Vita titles got ported to the PS4.

What is it about the games/consoles that has you using them over your switch? Why do you choose not to play zelda?

Why would you want to rebuy a game you already own on a different platform?

top ten pizza shops where i sued to live, and where i live now...

pizza roma
new london
old london

Judgment is poor english interpretation of french.

What’s wrong with 7-11 where you live?

In many areas, leaving enough following distance that is greater then your stopping distance at X speed usually means people changing lanes in front of you. Which means you now have to slow your speed to increase the distance, thus putting you at risk of getting rear ended. And it doesn’t happen just once. You’d

If you count leaving animal feces on the inside or hitting deer as fun and adventurous, yeah people do that to rentals.

Enjoy the splendor of a Cat Cafe in a Train will it offers cosplay when giving a free roffing estimate & consultation service.

There is nothing formal about the Smash Bros. Fighting Community.

Forced diversity is bleh. Saying that its all male is bad, because now you’re labeling like those men can’t consider a stance that the women would have when writing up rules guidelines. Telling them, on the panel, that they are inferior to a woman. Nice

They could hire designers born after 1985.

Assuming we only had 1 or less before those films.

If anyone saw the Late Night Dub Fight at PAX West if this, then, you know you’re in for good times.

They’ll ganghelp her.

They have in studio cameras, for reactions. But, yeah, this was dumb.

The expenses went up, and with it, the number of people actively engaged went down.

In other words, “Millenials are killing car cultures because they can’t afford the insurance, gas, repairs...”

I was a passenger when my brother did 106~ in mom’s 95 corolla. exhilarating and scary all at the same time.

It has games people want to play. Why is that so hard to believe will make it successful. It being portable, and wanting to venture out with out is a different story.